Category: Classes

Every population has a limit!

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Every species does not have unlimited amount of resources or room. 7 billion people live on earth and it is growing by the minute.  Now in China each family can only have one child. Why? Because there is NOT enough room to have so many people in China.  We played a game in school called shark tank. How to play is there are minnows, seaweed, and Sharks. The minnows had to eat 1  seaweed to survive, 2 to have a baby, the shark had to eat 2 minnows to survive, 4 to have a baby, and  if seaweed  didn’t get eaten they multiplied. But if any population got too big everyone died in the long run. This connects because if one species got to big and took up too much room or took too many resources everyone would die in the long run.

Big Bang video

Hi! My name is Xander! In science we did this project of the Big Bang. We were trying to recreate the Big Bang. We had a lot of time to work on it and we had limited resources. The goal was to make it as acurate as possible. Something that was acurate was it exploded like the Big Bang.  Something that wasn’t like the Big Bang was the Big Bang was sooooooooooooooo fast and ours was slow.


Directer: Dan

Actors: Xander, Matais, and Drew

Special Guest: Finn



Human computer

Being a human computer was really fun. Clair put into different parts of a computer. The process  was the users told the peripherals what to do then they gave it to the bios after that the bios gave it to the CPU which gave it to the hard drive then lastly gave it to the ram and brought it back to the users. It was really fun. I was bios and CPU. The one role I would have liked to do would be the hard drive. I thought it was really cool.  I noticed that the more and more programs the users  ask to do the longer it took. I also learned that not to get mad at the computers anymore because it’s really hard to do the work it does.

My font


What I did was I added a block line in the letter. I did that because I thought it would be cool to have a line in it and I’v never seen it before in a font. Also when you write with it and all the letters are close it looks like one big block through it. The one I did before was  making a smiley face in each letter, but that didn’t work because you couldn’t see the letter. This one I really like.


First couple of weeks at da middle school

The first couple of weeks have been really fun. Middle school is much different than lower school. We get much more freedom this year and we have a homeroom. Homeroom is really fun because I like when you don’t have every class in our classroom.  Also we get chocolate milk and desert at lunch. I like middle school so much more and i’m having a great year.

Multi-Media Classroom