Math Post

 I am proud of the work I put into this quiz. I spent a lot of time on it. I got most of the problems right. I was challenged by the top one on the second paper. It was hard because it was asking me a problem that was not clear. Also the solution was a lot of writing. If I got one number wrong it would mess up the whole answer. If I had more time, I think a quicker way of doing the problem would be using prime factorization. I have improved on prime factorization. I am proud of my improvement in math. I got a two on clarity for my first quiz, and now I got a three. So that is great. Something that I still need to work on is my common factors and multiples. Instead of adding numbers together over and over again, now I can use factors. I think with a little more practice I can be awesome at math.Photo on 2015-12-07 at 18.03 #2 Photo on 2015-12-07 at 18.03

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