Category: Dempster

Art- Single point perspective

In art we made a picture of a street in our perspective.

Perspective drawing has been sort of difficult because you have to match up all of the lines perfectly or it looks really bad and not like an actual persons perspective. The hardest part like I just said is to match up the lines perfectly and it can make or break your piece. It’s coming out pretty good and I think the creativity I put into it is good. I’m not happy with it yet but I think that if I keep working hard I will be happy. The hardest part about going from shapes to street is finding the right balance between what you want to make and what you have to make.

Art Canopic Jar

Max T Canopic Jar

In art we made Canopic jars to store Hatshepsut’s organs. I like Mine because it looks like  a hawk (which is what it is supposed to be), it looks like a hawk because of the beak and it has the pharaoh hat thingie. I don’t like that the bottom part is not glazed due to lack of time, and that the area that was supposed to have hieroglyphs is blank also due to lack of time.

MaxT Tomb Painting

Max T Painting 1Max T Painting

In art I made a painting to represent Hatshepsut’s life. I chose to make a painting of trade boats going to punt, because Hatshepsut was represented by trade. I really liked making the water because I like the style and how it’s zigzaggy. I don’t like that the flag is black and yellow, I tried to make it striped. I like how all the people have oars and are standing and look like they actually are trying to row a ship.