My name is Phulan. I currently live with my parents, my sister Shabanu, my aunt, my cousins and my grandfather. We sell camels. One of our camels is named Mithoo and both me and my sister Shabanu, thought he would die. Mithoo’s mother was dying from a krait bite and Shabanu managed to save Mithoo, but not his mother. The other camels didn’t like Mithoo. None of the other mothers would nurse him. So how would Mithoo survive? He needed to eat. Shabanu tried feeding Mithoo by dipping her hand in milk and then letting Mithoo drink the milk from her hand, but it didn’t work. So Shabanu and I came up with another way. Shabanu put her hand facing down. Then I poor milk on to the back of her hand and Mithoo tips his head back, and catches the milk in his mouth! As Mithoo gets older he will be able to eat like a normal camel, but until then, we will feed him.