HONY Creative riting Piece and Revisions

Revision is different from editing because when you revise you are adding big parts like sentences to your writing but when you edit you mostly fix small spelling and grammar mistakes. I think I did a very good… Read More

Charlie’s News Article

This Thanksgiving break I went Miami and saw a photography exhibit called Bold Beauty. There are 25 photographers and 25 disabled women. This exhibit is showing that beauty comes from the inside not the outside and it doesn’t… Read More

Artist Statement For My Self Portraits

I would like to name this piece of art Self Portrait Collage. I created this by first making a grid and drawing myself on it. Then out of the four self portraits, we chose one drawing we wanted… Read More

Charlie’s Internal Monologue

The king is standing before me. I am thinking about what will happen when I become a knight. Will I die in battle or will I be the king’s hero? It’s the first time I’m holding a real… Read More

Science Diorama

In our group we are making a diorama of how buildings under six stories tall get there water supply. We are going to show the difference in your water supply if you live on the second floor than… Read More

Charlie’s Coat Of Arms

In humanities we made coat of arms that represent our family. I chose the colors red and blue because it represents loyalty and red represents strength, courage, and determination. My family both honest and determined. I put Jewish… Read More

News Article

There is a gay man named George Montauge who lives in Brighton, England. He had his ups and downs in life. When he was a kid, his parents were poor and his dad worked as a gardener and… Read More

Charlie’s Ashokan Paragraph

At Ashokan I experienced many different sources of nature like the Gorge hike, the birds of prey event, and canoeing. At Ashokan we went on a hike called the Gorge hike through the woods and experienced many types… Read More

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