Shabanu: Marrying Rahim-sahib

My name is Shabanu and I am 12 years old. I live in Pakistan with Dadi, Mama, Phulan, Auntie, Sher Dil, and our caravan of camels. I have been waiting for a couple of years now to marry… Read More

Shabanu: Defying Society

I’m Shabanu and I ‘m 12 years old. I live with Dadi, Mama, my sister Phulan , Auntie, Sher Dil, our dog, and our caravan of camels. We live in Pakistan and we are practicing Muslims. In our… Read More

My Original Song Project

group2 from LREI on Vimeo.

Respiratory System Blog Post

    In science Matias, Charlie and I are studying the respiratory system, and in class we are supposed to make a blog post so here it is. Above is a cool picture of the respiratory system. The… Read More

NASA Space Museum

Over break I went to Houston and the NASA Space Museum. We went on a tour of the campus of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. While there we saw a work space where they create and test… Read More

Art Weekly Drawing Blog Post 2

This is one of my favorite Weekly Drawings because I think I did a very good job featuring the word fire. It also has a lot of color and the fire looks really cool in my opinion.

Art Weekly Drawing Blog Post 1

This is one of my favorite weekly drawings because it is very colorful. Another reason is that it show a basketball (which is my favorite sport) and basketball jerseys of my favorite players: Kyrie Irving, James Harden, Carmelo… Read More

Arms and Armor Chess Blog Post

In our guild Arms and Armor we went to a chess store that had tables in the back used for chess matches. I played two matches I lost the first one and won the other. One thing I… Read More

Medieval Chess

Chess is similar to Medieval warfare because in chess the most important piece is the king and the most important thing in a Medieval battle is the general because if your general or king dies or is in… Read More

Arms and Armor Battle Training

We did a Medieval battle simulation and I got Heroic victory which is the best score you can get but there also one or two things I could improve on. The first is to not do any friendly… Read More

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