Favorite Art Project

My favorite art project this year was either the single point perspective painting or the Canopic jars. The single point perspective painting was fun because you were allowed to use difference shades of one color (which is called… Read More

Charlie’s Memoir

Trying new things is sometimes scary but, after you do that thing that you thought was scary you want to do it again 10,000 more times.  It’s like the end of a movie when you think that the… Read More

What would happen if…?

What would happen if humans vanished from the planet? It would be horrible for the Earth because if humans disappeared from the world there would be no one to run and maintain the things we created. While some… Read More

Charlie’s Single Point Perspective Blog Post

Hi everyone, In art we have been making single point perspective drawings. Perspective drawings have been very hard because you need to use the vanishing point draw almost everything. We are in the process of making a perspective… Read More

Charlie’s Food Fight Blog Post

Charlie’s Exit Poll Blog Post

In school on the day of the New York primary we went to different polling sites in Soho. We split into groups and each group went to a different one. My group went to St. Anthony’s church. I… Read More

Science Operation Manual: Every Population Has a Limit

  http://http://b.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/imagecache/1280/poster/2014/02/3025926-poster-p-crowds-nyc.jpg Every population has a limit. This rule is saying that no population can ever grow to infinite because they the will eventually run out of space, time, and resources. Populations can also go extinct form predators… Read More

Charlie’s Math Blog Post: Adding And Subtracting Fractions

In math, we are learning how to add and subtract fractions. I think I am good at adding and subtracting fractions because it was easy to understand what you are supposed to do. Some of the problems are… Read More

Egyptian Tomb: Tomb Painting

In Art we made tomb paintings because were studying Egypt. Tomb paintings are paintings from a persons life that go in the tomb when a pharaoh or queen dies. First we drew the drawing on a small draft… Read More

Egyptian Tomb: Shabtis

In art we made shabtis out of clay. Shabtis are little statues that Egyptians would put in the tombs when going to the afterlife. First we made the head and body out of clay. Then we glazed them… Read More

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