Charlie’s FBI vs. Apple Blog Post

I agree with Apple more than the FBI. I feel that if the government asks Apple to make something that can get into any phone, which could possibly get into the wrong hands, security for everyone is at… Read More

Gun Violence Post

Hi everyone, In class today we had a MLK assembly about gun violence and gun safety.  We learned that people have too much assess to guns. We heard a speech from President Obama said about gun violence and… Read More

Turning into a computer

Hello everyone! In d.lab we got turned into computer. I know what your thinking, how in the world would we do that! everyone got be a part of the computer. I was a peripheral. the peripherals find the… Read More

My Font

Hello everyone this is my font. it was fun to make the fonts but also hard because you have to write in a small box. The theme of my font is devils. The font is called Devil. Hope… Read More

Beginning of Middle School

So far Middle School has been really good! I really like that we get chocolate milk and dessert. I like science and learning about the universe. I like learning how to code in d.lab.    

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