making of a knight

At dawn, I will have to confess all my sins. I am so worried because I will have to admit that I got in a  fight with my sister Anna and broke the laws of chivalry. I hit her! Can you believe it ! I hurt a lady. How impolite of me. If I were already a knight I would have been punished. What if the priest does not let me become a  knight because of all my sins? I feel as hungry as a peasant . The only fear I have is if I get killed or wounded during my first joust. If I got to speak with the king I would tell him it was my honor to serve him and his people. Sadly I will never get to become king, but at least I get to become a noble someday. But I have a few more hours left to fast and I should  not worry so much. What is the worst thing that could happen ?

I just can’t wait until the sword hits me, it was my destiny to become a knight . Just a few minutes until it would. It is a big ceremony and  my whole family is here . Elizabeth, Mary, Anna, Henry, George, Mother and Father.II have been waiting for this moment my whole life . I have been training to be a knight for ten years and have dreamed about this moment so many times. All my dreams have come true; I can already see myself, a knight in shining armor.

Upstate New York/Nature Camp July 7th

This summer I attended Free Spirit Nature Camp upstate in Westtown, NY. This was my third year at the camp. As usual, I had a great time. I stayed with my grandparents. We roasted a lot of marshmallows. We were supposed to have two overnight camping trips but both were cancelled because of rain.


Westtown, NY

I went on a long bike ride with my Grandpa William in the woods one day. We saw a stream that was very nice with lots of birds and other wildlife. We also came across a beaver dam made out of sticks.


Grandma Lyle and I in her garden

One night we had a really huge lemon meringue pie. The meringue was piled so high it looked like a mountain. Everyone enjoyed climbing mount pie!


a mountain of a pie

California August 28th – September 3rd

While we were staying with family in Rio Vista California, we visited the Jelly Belly jelly bean factory. MMMMMM Tasty


Posing as workers in the Jelly Belly factory


Image of a tiger made of jelly beans!

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My Stepmom and Grandpa took me on a tour of San Francisco to celebrate my birthday. We took the Painted Lady tour where they take you around in a vintage VW bus. We went down Lombard street “the most crooked street in the world”. We saw the Golden Gate Bridge, The Palace of Fine Arts, Sutro Tower, and Haight Ashbury where the Hippies lived in the 60’s. We visited my cousin Charlotte and ended with a trip to Japan Town where we ate fresh Ramen noodles for dinner.


Our vintage VW ride


Lombard Street


The Golden Gate Bridge


On The Golden Gate Bridge


The view from Sutro Tower


The Palace of Fine Arts


Houses from Full House sitcom

New England August 19th – 27th

My family and I did a “Grand New England tour” this summer. We visited my 97 year old great grandma in New Hampshire and took her to the beach. We took her to Hampton Beach because it has places where she can sit in the shade and watch us on the beach. She walks with a walker and she can’t go in the sand with it.



My family and I also went on a whale watch on Cape Cod. We left from Provincetown which is at the very tip of the cape and we had very good luck – we saw a humpback whale feeding and breaching. It leapt straight out of the water just like in a movie (see pictures). Everyone cheered! People get very excited when they see whales, but not as much as when they see a great white shark. There were several great white shark sightings while we were there. One day at the beach my family and I were told to get out of the water and stay out for an hour because a shark had been sighted nearby!







Brazil July 20th – August 18th

I went to Brazil with my mom this summer. While I was there, I got braces. I hung out with my cousin Sophia who came with me to my grandma’s Farm and stayed for a week. We saw a newborn calf. I saw my pet bunny Bianca who is a boy , but we thought he was a girl. Oops! I also visited friends who live by the river Jaqui who have a Jet-Ski. I really like the Jet-Ski. I could ride that thing all day – and I did!




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It is our hope that you also seek to make this a personally relevant learning space in which you curate work that is important and meaningful to you. As you build this learning space, we also hope that you will use it as a way to connect with other learners in the LREI community and beyond.

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1. Change the name of your blog. To do this, go back to the Dashboard and click on the “Home” symbol, then on “MS Digital Portfolio Template” under “This Blog.”


In the field for “Site Title,” add a new title. You can use your first name if you want (e.g., “Mark’s Digital Portfolio”), but don’t use your first and last name. You can also create a title that doesn’t have your name in it. Be as creative as you want, but keep in mind that the title should relate to the purpose of the portfolio.


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When you’re done with your post you can click “Publish” on the side to make the post appear on your blog

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