
Sorry :


Night fell.

The darkness was thin,

like some sleazy dress

that’s been worn and worn.

My soul wears away

as if it were a piece of glass

lying on a sandy beach,

Just waiting to fade away,


As if my soul were an abandoned house,

Standing lonesome in the darkness,

Not paying any attention

To the people passing by,

The people With an apologetic look on their faces  

as if to say I feel sorry for you¨



They say:


They say  you are beautiful just the way you are,

They tell you to be yourself,

They tell you not to take it personally,

They tell you to be happy,

They tell you that you are strong and independent,

They tell you that you shouldn’t listen to them,


Then they say you are ugly

Then they try and change you

Then they make it personal

Then they make you miserable

Then they take you down

Then they make you listen


But you are beautiful

And you try your best to stay true to yourself

And you don’t take it personally

and you are happy

And strong

And independent

And you don’t listen to them



They try their hardest to make you feel ugly

They try their hardest to change you

They try their hardest to shatter you

They try their hardest to depress you

They try their hardest to destroy you

They try their hardest to make you listen


But they don’t get to you because you are a

Strong, independent, beautiful, funny, amazing,

Creative, joyful, kind, loving, adorable, brilliant,

Successful, fun, courageous, powerful, daring, wise,

Respectful, happy, special, delightful, playful, blessed,

exquisite, positive, optimistic, free, wild, confident, peaceful,

Imaginative, wonderful, person to be around and you don’t need them!



The sun sets gradually,

spreading its beautifully colored rays

spilling out onto the horizon

like pieces of shattered glass.

There is a tree

standing so deserted

in the gorgeously colored light.

All around i hear a song of the earth..

Its melody so perfect it seems fabricated.

As I explore I realize that I am also isolated,

yet I feel comforted by the solitude,



He came home,

Said nothing,

Walked right past me,

stood there

With a look on his face.

I know that look.

Itś that look you give when

You feel empty,

When you feel like

nothing matters anymore

When you just don’t care anymore

but deep inside

You do.

you care too much.

You just break inside,

Into a million little pieces.

But in the end

it doesn’t really matter.


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