App Review: Monument Valley

Monument Valley is a geometrical wonderland. And yes, it is a game. It also costs. $3.99. When I say geometrical wonderland, I mean it. The structures defy the laws of physics, and it is just amazing.

–> This picture gives you a sense of what I am talking about. If there were the movement blocks, you could turn it and walk up the side of the “triangle” that is facing you.images-1

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 6.06.51 PMimgresSo you are Ida, a princess from a long gone geometrical kingdom. Some boys about there may have stopped reading this because I mentioned princess, but that doesn’t really affect the game at all. You travel though many levels of bright, and vibrant levels filled with excitement sweat, and tears. It is suspenseful, challenging and perplexing game. I can guarantee that even a genius would get stuck at least once. A few other cool things about the game are that it is a RED game. RED games are games that support the RED fund, which supports the global fight for a generation free of aids. It is also a game of the year.

I hope you try the game out, and that you love it as much as you do.images

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