Archive of ‘Cattafi’ category

Shabanu News

Recently in Humanities we have been working on a project called Shabanu News. First we had to write a newspaper type ting and my group and I did obituaries.

This is our newspaper thing




Jindwadda Ali Abbasi died yesterday. He died in peace. He died because of a sandstorm in Pakistan, and he died a few days later, because of the effect. We can’t be one hundred percent certain, but Jindwadda was very injured during the sandstorm. It’s a miracle that he even survived. He was found outside, and conscious but asked specifically to be buried in Derawar, but unfortunately, his request couldn’t be fulfilled. Jindwadda died in the night about 10 days after the sandstorm. “I want to die at Derawar” his family remember him saying.


Grandpa fought in the war between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He fought hard for his country, and we will take today to appreciate his hard work in the army, and be sure that his death has been noticed.




Auntie’s baby died in the womb from technical issues. He was suffocated by the umbilical cord. “It was another boy,” Her sister says after the death. The midwife who tried to help is Shahzada’s sister, who is a family friend of the Abbasi’s. Shahzada used herbs and powders to help, but unfortunately it was too late to save the baby. According to witnesses, the state of the mother was frightening, for the color in her eyes was not visible. After the death of the baby, Auntie was said to have slept peacefully in a green tunic. The baby was buried, and the birth was never spoken of again. According to family, the mother’s pregnancy was unknown to everyone except possibly the father. Auntie did in fact show signs of pregnancy, such as tiredness, weakness and gaining weight. Shabanu did have suspicions about the pregnancy, but thought it might be rude to mention it.


The mother herself is the spouse of a man who works in a government office and makes a very good salary, and sends her gifts. Her husband, Mr. Abbasi,  is away a lot, and most people would even say that she’s lonely, but it brings her to joy the few times that her husband does come home. Mr. Abbasi is the brother of Dalil Abbasi, who is the spouse of Auntie’s sister. She is the mother of two lovely sons, ages three and five who are just starting to learn how to do work on the farm. When Auntie was at the age for marriage, she and her father went into search for a good husband. At first, they were unsuccessful, but after searching for a reasonable amount of time, she finally found her one and only husband. Shabanu, Auntie’s niece says, “Uncle comes several times a year, bringing Auntie gifts-quilts, shawls and brass pots. He brings us vegetables, wheat and lentils.”

Then we had to record our news show.

This is our news show

Shabanu Movie 2 – Small (1)

Who the Heck are You Project

In humanities we are working on a project called who the heck are you. In this project we are interviewing someone who we would like to know more about or learn about an interesting experience they had. The first step was to choose a interviewee and a theme that would carry out through all the questions. I chose my dad and the theme was his trip across the ocean. I chose that theme because it is something really interesting that my dad did and I would like to more about it. The next step was to come up with questions to ask our interviewee. I would really like to add more questions before the trip.

Here are my interview questions:

  1. Before the trip:
    1. What/who got you interested in sailing and made you go on the trip?
    2. What did your family members think or say when you said you were going on the trip?

    The trip:

    1. Where did you go?
    2. Who did you go with?
    3. What was the trip for?
    4. Where was your favorite place you went?
    5. What was the hardest part about sailing across the ocean?
    6. What was the most interesting thing you saw?

    After the trip:

    1. How did you feel after the trip?
    2. What was your favorite part about sailing?
    3. How has that trip impacted your life now?
    4. What made this trip so special compared to other trips you have been on?
    5. Did you ever regret going on the trip?

Reading Partnerships

This is a Journal Entry written by Miss Penelope Lumley

Dear Journal,

Today has been quite a day. Yesterday Lady Constance walked in on a reading of The Wreck of the Hesperus  on of my favorite poems. She was very pleased with the children and invited us all to town for a shopping trip. Lady Constance left me my salary so I was able to buy things of my own and Christmas presents. We left at 10:00 sharp in the carriage that picked me up from the train station. I sat next to Lady Constance and the children sat across from us. While we were traveling to town the children spotted some horses grazing in the pasture. The whole way there Alexander, Beowulf, and Cassiopeia pressed their cheeks against the window taking a good look at everything that went by. I worked on my knitting and Lady Constance talked about all the things she was going to buy.

Once we arrived we stopped at the milliner’s shop and bought the boys sailor hats and Cassiopeia a reticule for the Christmas party. After we stopped at the milliner’s shop I brought the children to the bookstore. I told them to sit and wait for me to come back but that was a big mistake, I’ll get to that later. Anyway I bought presents for everyone at Ashton Place including Lady Constance who I bought a small volume of the stately homes of England. I also bought a lovely journal very similar too the one I am writing in right now for Miss Mortimer. I couldn’t even think of which book to get her because she has read so many. Then I got the children their presents. For Alexander I got an Introductory Latin text; for Beowulf a collection of Shakespearean sonnet’s; and for Cassiopeia a book of Greek Myths, including the girls namesake.

When I had finished my shopping I went to get the children but they were not there. I ran through the aisles looking for them. Outside there was a woman’s calling things like “Stay away!” and “Don’t touch him” so I check what was happening. Half way down the block was the children crouching by a dog and the woman was yelling at them. I scolded Alexander for leaving the shop and confronted the woman. I apologized profusely but she was worried about the children being near her dog since he was mean. Apparently the children can talk to dogs because Beowulf knew exactly why the dog was so mean. Then I grabbed the children and hurried back to the carriage. We quietly slipped into the carriage while Lady Constance and Lord Frederick fought about the date of the Christmas party, it was quite odd. Lady Constance was also quite upset he would not ride back in the carriage with us. For the whole ride back she sat and stared out of the window not saying a word. Now I am writing in bed, goodnight journal.

Miss Penelope Lumley


This week we ended our book partnerships. We were each assigned a partner and we both read the same book. Then we had to do homework that showed something about the characters and/or something that happened in the chapter. This is one of my favorite homework assignments where we had to write a diary entry from the point of view of our main character. I am really proud of this piece of writing because I fell like I really wrote from the perspective of the character. One of my personal goals in the third quarter was to become a stronger writer and in this piece I think it shows how I have changed.