Archive of ‘Family Conferences’ category

Spaceship Earth

Recently in science we have been work on a project called Spaceship Earth. We had to design a spaceship that could sustain a crew for 20 years but the twist was that we couldn’t bring 20 years worth of what we needed. Our goal was to make three thing something that would give us food water a oxygen. The first thing I built was the crew cabinScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.45.30 PMThis is where the crew lives. The next thing I built was a farmScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.45.46 PMThe farm provides food for the crew. Next to the farm is a greenhouse with trees. 1= oxygen for 2 people. And the last room on this floor is the compost room since the waste is going to be piling up composting is really useful. The next thing I built was a water purification roomScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.58.18 PMIt is a room full of water and a container in the middle. The lights shine and the water evaporates then falls into the container leaving behind anything that is bad. The room next to it is a room that burn plastic or things that can’t be composted and make them into something new. That is my spaceship.

Population of the world graph

photo (5)I choose to make my graph this way for a reason. The population started out slowly and then I think when they started traveling they couldn’t grow their population.Then I thought that once they had settled they had time to grow humanity.Ana said that in 8,000 B.C.E the species was at 5 million so I had to change my graph a lot. Before I had just drawn a line going straight up but it was wrong.

History of the world chronology

photoThe activity we did in social studies was put the time periods of the world in chronological order. One of the things that confused my group  was that some things happened around the same time. Therefore we didn’t know if we should put them together or figure out which one started first. Also were having trouble with agreeing on where things went.My group realized that seasons came after the moon because the moon creates seasonsI learned that not everything happens right after each other and events overlap by doing this activity.

My Atom

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.48.48 AMThis is the atom I created in tinkercad. The red ball in the middle is the atom. The white balls surrounding it are the energy.This is how I imaged the atom to be like. It was hard trying to figure out what I was going to make my atom look like but once I imaged it in my head I came up with this.

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