Archive of ‘Science’ category



The first project we did in science was working with roto-copters. It was really fun and interesting to learn how they work. By work I mean how they spin down to the ground.

Personal Muir Web


screenshot-2016-11-08-at-9-18-32-amThis is my Personal Muir Web. It maps out all of the food I ate one week and where the food came from. This was cool because I got to track where all my food comes from and what resources I am using. In this project we wrote down both biotic and abiotic factors that we need to survive.

Interconnectedness of Human Body Systems

This picture shows how different body systems connect. In science we have been learning about different body systems and been assigned to a system. One of the parts of that study is learning how the systems connect. We also did Structure fits function and looking closer into the parts of the bodyIMG_20160524_103902942

Structure Fits Function

Structure Fits Function


Have you ever wondered how your body moves, or how you send signals to do certain things? Well, your body sends signals through neurons. Neurons look like this. A neuron has dendrites on both sides and an axon in the middle. The neuron will get a signal through one dendrite on one side and that signal will travel through the axon and onto its other dendrite. This dendrite will send a chemical signal to another neuron. The neuron’s shape is important because the dendrites reach out to other neurons and send messages that go to the brain. They have long feelers that can send chemical signals to other neurons using synapse as a space in between each neuron. If dendrites were short and didn’t have those long feelers, they couldn’t send signals to anything. Then the brain wouldn’t get any signals, which means you would not be able to move, touch, smell, hear, or even pump blood. You would basically die within the first couple of minutes. Even 1 minute is a stretch because you wouldn’t be able to breath. It is important to have a space in between each neuron, and that is one of the most unique things about the structure. This structure allows for certain feelings or senses to go to the brain and others to be blocked by medicine. Like painkillers, they block off pain by clogging up the space in between neurons to stop the signal of pain. 


Unique things about a neuron

  • They have dendrites that reach out to other neurons send signals to the brain. Their shape helps them with this because their feelers help them interact with other cells.
  • They have a synapse which allows for medicine such as painkillers to block certain signals.
  • They are able to interact with other cells and pass signals to other neurons.
  • They can pick up signals from other neurons.
  • Dendrites are everywhere in your body so they can reach any limb or any organ. They can also send signals up the spine as a sort of short cut.


Spaceship Earth

Recently in science we have been work on a project called Spaceship Earth. We had to design a spaceship that could sustain a crew for 20 years but the twist was that we couldn’t bring 20 years worth of what we needed. Our goal was to make three thing something that would give us food water a oxygen. The first thing I built was the crew cabinScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.45.30 PMThis is where the crew lives. The next thing I built was a farmScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.45.46 PMThe farm provides food for the crew. Next to the farm is a greenhouse with trees. 1= oxygen for 2 people. And the last room on this floor is the compost room since the waste is going to be piling up composting is really useful. The next thing I built was a water purification roomScreen Shot 2015-02-08 at 4.58.18 PMIt is a room full of water and a container in the middle. The lights shine and the water evaporates then falls into the container leaving behind anything that is bad. The room next to it is a room that burn plastic or things that can’t be composted and make them into something new. That is my spaceship.

My Atom

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.48.48 AMThis is the atom I created in tinkercad. The red ball in the middle is the atom. The white balls surrounding it are the energy.This is how I imaged the atom to be like. It was hard trying to figure out what I was going to make my atom look like but once I imaged it in my head I came up with this.