My Thanksgiving Piece Reflection

This is my Thanksgiving piece. I am really proud of what I wrote because I felt that I added lots of detail. The draft project was good but then I went through and read it over. Then I edited it and made it more descriptive. During writing this essay I learned how to edit in the best way I can. I think when I was writing this piece I was focused and I really liked what I was writing about. This my piece.


Every year on Thanksgiving my whole family goes up to my grandparents house to watch the parade. They live uptown by Central Park where the parade passes. We drove up to their house at 10:00 and we brought the food we made, just in time for the parade.The ride up was filled with traffic, it was about 45 minutes to get up there but it felt like hours. When we arrived we parked our car in the tiny garage that we barely can fit in. We walked into the bottom floor of the building, the floors were shiny and my shoes clicked when I walked. At the end of the hall there are two elevators, the elevator took us to the 5th floor where my grandparents live. My sister and I ran to the end of the hall and rung the doorbell, my grandmother answered the door. She was wearing tan pants, a white shirt and black flats. A white apron covered in spices and sauce was wrapped around her waist and her hands were covered by oven gloves. Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight bun. We walked in to see our grandfather sitting in a reclined chair in the small living room. On the wall next to him there was a tree painted on the wall. I leaned in to hug him, his grey sweater was very warm. His grey hair is pulled to one side of his head. My mom bc xxput the pumpkin pie cheesecake on the counter and talked to my grandmother. The pumpkin smell fills the room. I sneak over and take a peek at the orange pie with white icing designed in a spider pattern. Sitting in the family room is my dad’s cousin, she was talking to my great-aunt. My dad’s cousin is wearing a brown dress and black tights. Her short brown hair is down. My great-aunt had her grey hair in its normal state and is wearing black pants along with a white blouse. My dad walked over to talk to them. My sister and I ran to the balcony to watch the parade.

The parade hadn’t started yet so my sister and I waited on the balcony. A  breeze whipped my hair in my face as a puff of cold air left my mouth. I saw a glimpse of a bright balloon coming around the high rise building, the parade had started. The first balloon was a yellow star. The word “MACY’S” was printed in red onto the front. 14 people held down the balloon so it didn’t fly away. They walked down the street, smiling and waving at everyone on the ground. More balloons passed replicating characters from movies like spiderman and snoopy. Floats passed where people are singing.  The wind whistled and frost got to us so we went inside. Inside the TV was playing a different part of the parade where they showed dances and parts of plays. Those were my favorite part of the parade. Finally we had a late Thanksgiving lunch. We all sat at the table and opened our party crackers. My cracker was orange with white lining.The popping sound took me by surprise, a small toy, a paper hat, and a riddle fell out. Everyone put their hats on and we told each other our jokes and riddles. That was my favorite Thanksgiving tradition.

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