Learning Value Post

Recently, we finished up our big science project. Io, Oni, and I made a device that eliminates “trash juice” from the side of the street. During this process I definitely had to problem solve and persevere. I could use these skills later in life which is one of my learning values.

My First Photoshop Project

This is my photoshop project. At first, I started with just Grace and Io on the plane but I added Stella, Piper, and the pug towards the end. I think I definitely used contrast because of how the white shoes contrast with the dark plane and background. I think that I also used proportion because of how Stella and Piper’s heads are smaller than Io and Grace as if they were planets behind them. I think that also created a harmony and balance because of where they are placed. This also gave the piece a sense of motion. I think the background helped with this because of how the colorful part is in the center.

My Period Con Experience

Name: Olivia Bagan

Social Justice Group: Menstrual Health

Date of Fieldwork: November 18, 2017

Name of Organization: Period: The Menstrual Movement

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: The entire Period team, Diva Cup representatives, Lunette Representatives, Glad Rags CEO, Thinx representative, Flo Candle CEO, Ingrid Nilsen, Congresswoman Grace Meng, and Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal, (probably some others who I am forgetting at the moment).

Type of Fieldwork: Convention

What I did:

We went to the convention and talked to many people from the different companies and organizations listed above about volunteer and/or interview opportunities and about our project. We also discussed internship/job opportunities with Nadya (Period Founder and Executive Director) and Eudora (Programs Director). We got an interview with Ingrid Nilsen as well!

What I learned:

I learned so much about reusable products. For example, on average, a woman produces up to 300 pounds of waste with menstrual (not feminine hygiene) products alone. By using a menstrual cup, washable pads, or thinx underwear, you can eliminate all this waste that would take 2-3 centuries to decompose. I also learned about how hard it can be to be a menstruating human using he/him or they/them pronouns because of language used to describe these products.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Through this fieldwork I learned how hard it can be to spread awareness about this topic because of the stigma and taboo surrounding periods. I also learned the proper and appropriate language to use when talking about menstruation. I think that not many people feel comfortable talking about this topic and it may take some time to get everyone used to the fact that menstruating is natural and it’s something that 50% of the population has to go through every month. Lots of people are also unaware that this is in fact a human rights topic because of how these products are thought of as a luxury when they are a necessity.


This conference allowed me to build skills that will help me when I am an adult.

Learning Values

Value 1: To me, learning is “meaningful” when it provides opportunities to develop skills that will help me make a positive change in the world.

Value 2: To me, learning is “meaningful” when it provides opportunities to develop skills that will help me be a responsible person in my community and in the world.

Value 3: To me, learning is “meaningful” when I can challenge myself.