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Structure Fits Function: Macrophage Edition
How does the structure of a macrophage fit its function? Well, this is how…
Macrophages are blobs. They have microtubules in them. Microtubules are long, bendable filaments that make cells malleable. Microtubules are made out of a protein called Tubulin.That allows the macrophage to move around and morph into different shapes. Because they can morph, they can move around and engulf antigens. If you had a specific structure, you couldn’t do that. It’s ability to morph is perfect for its function.
Food Fight!
In Science Class, we played a game called Food Fight! In this game you have to keep your population alive and growing. I had a population of elephants. In Food Fight, you need a strategy to make your population grow. The elephant only ate plants and didn’t have any predators so I put a plant, tree, or fruit depending on what my opponent eats. (So then I can put down something that they don’t eat.) After I plant something, I put the elephant in so my population begins. After my opponent puts their animal in, I put their predator in the food web so that their population decreases. The elephant doesn’t have any predators so my opponent can only put an animal that eats the same thing that the elephant eats so the elephant gets less of it. That is my strategy!
My Atom!
This is what I think an atom looks like. I have seen little glimpses of models of atoms or molecules before we were assigned to make this so that’s where I got my idea. After I made the blue rings around the yellow sphere, I thought that maybe atoms wouldn’t be so open so I put a little clear circle around it. I really liked how we got to use tinker cad in science to make models instead of making it with our hands. A challenge that I had with tinker cad is, absolutely nothing! I found it very easy to use and I felt that I could get very creative!