In social studies we were put in groups and we got index cards with different time periods. first we had to put them in chronological order, which means we had to put them in time order like a time line. we were a little confused by our work books while we were checking because some of our books were different and we were wondering which one was right, so we had a little disagreements. We also got confused by some times we did not have because sometimes we would be missing index cards that we sometimes needed to put in between so we had to make a big leap to another time period. I learned that we really had to work as a group and think about where we put stuff and there was lots of disagreement on what goes in order and what goes there and stuff. I also learned that when  we see something that we get stuck on, there are clues that we have in the time line so we know what is going to come next. My group realized that grass came before the primates started to walk on legs because when grass grew it was really tall and grass was better to walk on two legs instead of four. The grass was really tall so the primates had to walk on two legs and then they started two develop into walking on two legs and evolved into cavemen and then it was the stone age.Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 8.17.09 PM