April 18

Structure Fits Function… Muscular System-Tendons

In Science, Konrad, Oni and I have been studying the muscular system. Part of the muscular system is tendons. We learned everything from Wikipedia and BioDigital.

There are many parts to the Muscular system but tendons are probably some of the most important parts. Tendons are like gum. It can move with the muscle and the bones. Tendons bind the muscle to a bone, just like a piece of gum can bind two things together. If you have ever heard of a muscle being torn or tearing basically what is happening is there are multiple tears (mostly smaller tears but sometimes the tears can be bigger) in the tendon. You will know when this happens because you will feel pains in the tendon along with the area becoming swollen and stiff. You will also not be able to move the area because the tendon helps the bone move, and if it’s not working, you can’t move the bone.

March 10



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In Science Class, we have been learning about good diets. The first thing we did was go to Choose My Plate.  We found out what a good diet was. We’ve been trying to eat better for the past days and I’ve done a lot better.




February 26

Food Fight!

I like playing with the Elephant. I like playing with it because it’s only predator is the cheetah (at least from what I’ve seen), and when one is on the playing field it’s easy to get off. There’s a wild card that has a lot of poachers taking away cheetah and tiger’s fur and that’s a common wild card. That takes it off so the population gets steady again. Also, elephants can reach tall trees and some other animals can’t. That’s another advantage. That’s why I like playing as the elephant.

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