November 2

Beowulf Annotations

We annotated by:

  1. Circling vocabulary and defining it.
  2. Underlining important parts.
  3. Making a chapter summary.

It’s important to annotate because you can reflect on and remember what happened earlier in the book. One thing that I did well was circle vocabulary and define it. I feel like I could improve on chapter summary’s.

October 13

Beowulf Project

For humanities we got into groups and we were assigned a character from a book we are reading, called Beowulf. I was in a group with Wyatt and Liam. We got the character Unferth.  We had to draw him and put put characteristics and quotes.


At first it was a little challenging because some of the people in my group were not very focused, but when we started making the final draft it got more interesting and people got more into it.


When we finished, it looked great! My whole group was proud of it, from the little boil on his neck to the charcoal. It was really fun in the end. I learned that you can get through something even if it’s hard to stay focused.



Our Project


June 8

My Hero Essay

A hero is someone who perseveres around obstacles in a determined and courageous way to accomplish a goal. They see the good in everyone. If challenges come a hero’s way they will be tough and get through it. If negativity or rejection gets in their way they will put it aside and keep on walking. While the ancient hero Ulysses was rude, selfish, and and bad at keeping promises, Jackie Robinson from the modern world showed perseverance, determination, and courage. Another one of my modern day hero is Rachel Platten is a musician who inspires me because of her determination. While Ulysses represents a hero in the past, fearless and strong, Jackie Robinson changed the world with his bravery. This is what being a hero is all about.


While Ulysses is usually remembered as a hero, he didn’t keep his word to his men. He swore that he would get his men home even if he died, but he failed. On page 78, Elpenor’s ghost said, “My ghost will trouble you until you make my grave.” Ulysses promised he would- but he broke his promise just like he always did. Ulysses swore a promise on something big- his life, and he still didn’t keep it. Ulysses is not a hero in many ways, but on the other hand Jackie Robinson is.


Jackie Robinson is a true hero, a persevering, courageous and determined figure. Robinson could do anything- whether it was listening to his manager telling him to not get frustrated or trying to play baseball while millions of people were looking and cursing at him in disbelief. If challenges came Robinson’s way, he would persevere through it. If negativity or rejection came his way he would put it aside and keep on walking in a courageous way. Those two things are equivalent to being determined. With all this work Robinson did, it paid off. Now there are other African-American Major League Baseball players. Jackie Robinson is a hero because he made a great change to the world. Now any race or “color” can play in the MLB (Major League Baseball). Now it’s difficult to believe sports were so racist.


Rachel Platten used to be my babysitter, but she is also a true hero: kind, determined, dedicated, and courageous. Platten also inspires me because she left her job with my family so she could write music, and she was very determined. After Plattens’ new song got rejected many times she kept on going back and trying to get her song published. After many unsuccessful tries she finally got her song published and now it’s one of the most popular new songs. Rachel Platten is my hero because she didn’t give up.

Sometimes we think a hero is someone everyone knows. That’s not true. “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” -Jackie Robinson. This message is saying that we should respect each other as human beings, not different ”colors,” or race, or genders. A hero is someone who sees good in everyone, who perseveres, and who is determined. They don’t care if they’re different, because everyone is equal. My hero is Jackie Robinson because he was the first African-American in Major League Baseball. The determination and perseverance in both in both Platten and Robinson is the same energy I will need when I grow up because I want to be the first women in the MLB.

November 9

Sliding into Fame by Marlo Hulnick

I dedicate this piece of writing to sombody that was on my team named Collin.

They were down by 2. It was a sunny hot day. There was no shade to block the scorching sun. We were on the soccer field at camp. Iceflyers (my team) v.s. Areos for the championship. There was 15 minutes left in the game. The best player on the other team was dribbling the ball down the field. I wanted to win this thing. I was gaining speed. I was coming from behind. I got the courage to slide tackle. I was a little nervous because I knew it was going to hurt when my body contacted the turf. I was right behind him, about to slide. And somebody from the other team ran in front of me to block me. I juked him. Then another person attempted to block me. I juked again. Then I knew I had to do. I was hot, and sweaty, and tired, but I knew it would be worth it.  I sprinted my hardest to the left. Then the moment came. I ran to my right with all my power and slid. I felt the burn as my body slid across the turf. It really hurt, but it also felt like gliding on thin air. It was worth it. They didn’t score. I got up. It felt like pins and needles but I fought through it because I had to be up in case of more action. I could already feel the fame and proudness rushing through my veins and bones. I thought that was because I could picture myself walking with my friend from camp. I’d be hearing the sound of people saying, “Congratulations!” ringing in my ears. I wouldn’t notice it though because I’d heard it so much. I had just realized my team got the ball and we scored. We had a 30 sec. break and everybody was saying, “Nice job Marlo! For the next week at camp, everybody that saw me and  knew my team had won would congratulate me. I felt proud.

The point of my story is that if you try anything that you don’t think you’re good in, you’ll succeed.