In Adolescent Issues, we did a project. The project was where we chose three people that we admired, and make separate timelines for all three of them, with achievements and parts of their lives in the timelines. We also made timelines for ourselves, and what we wanted to become. We put what already happened in our lives on our timelines about ourselves, and what we wanted to happen, for the part of the timeline that was later in our lives.

When I chose three people to make a timeline about, I chose Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Brice. I look up to Hillary Clinton, because she was the first woman to run for president, and she might run again in two years. I look up to that because it shows that girls are powerful and can make a change in the world, and I want to make a difference in the world. She connects to my goals for the future, because one of my goals was to become president. I look up to Benjamin Franklin, because he discovered electricity. He is very smart, and got so many awards for science. I am inspired by that because he discovered cool things, and learned cool things about the world, and that’s what I want to do. Benjamin Franklin also wrote a few books. In one of my goals, I wanted to write a book, that was non-fiction, just like Ben Franklin. Sarah Brice is my neighbor. I am inspired by her because she goes to a top school, and is really smart. She is also part of a lot of clubs, and does a lot of interesting different things. I want to be like her when I grow up, because I also want to participate in lots of activities and subjects. One of my goals was to be a star student in the rest of school, and Sarah is a star student in her school, just like I want to be.

I learned that all of the people that I look up to, are confident. They have all done great things in life, because they had the courage to stand up to what they thought or what they believed in, and make a change in the world.


One comment

  1. 22margaretm

    I am really proud of this post. I am proud of it because during the My Future Self project, I worked really hard on my timelines. I think that is shows growth because I feel that at the starting of the project, I didn’t do a very good job, but then it got better.

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