Category: French

French Comment

I feel that this year in French I have learned to follow the different sentence structures we have been learning about, and have learned new vocabulary from Quizlet! I think I have become a harder worker, a more committed student, and a better speaker. I feel that my accent has progressed and my work habits have improved drastically since my prior years as a French student. While I do feel I have progressed in many areas, I still think that there is room to improve. First off, I can be less thin-skinned and learn to accept failure when it comes my way. I also think I can build on my ability to write in French. I have learned how to follow many different sentence structures, but my ability to write without a certain structure has not quite reached its full potential. I loved working on the city projects as well as our sport projects. I think I have learned more about how to make a presentation and Sharyn has helped me progress. I can also learn more about failure and all that Sharyn can do for that is be strict with me about not being thin-skinned. All that I really want to learn for next trimester is how to fail. While I do want to know more about how to freely write in French, as well as how to improve on my accent, learning how to fail is my main priority. I have loved the past two trimesters in french, and hope they get even better!

Liam’s Lourdes Project!

At the beginning of the second trimester we worked on a city project. First, we went onto a sight were we were got to see important cities in France. I picked Lourdes because . Then we were slowly given new tasks to complete, like researching a high class a mediocre and low Restaurants. Then we got to record our own voices on top of the research and pictures we put. I think that was my favorite part because it really came together when I added the voice. With the light music, the cool pictures, the traditions between images, the facts, and voice, it all seemed to work. After watching the whole video I was really happy about how it looked and I really  liked this project!



French Halloween Progect

In French this Halloween we made a poster. First we were given a series of pictures that we got to talk about. Then we were given 7 questions to answer. An example of one would be what is this persons name, or what is this person doing. We were also given a quizlet set that had enough vocab for us to use. We used both bags and regular adjectives, which was focus of this project. Since we just learned about clothing we knew how to say everything they were wearing. My favorite part of this activity was describing the clothing, because we got to test the stuff we learned. I wrote about a vampire, a ghost, a witch, a clown, and a fairy. This was actually a really fun project and I would like to do something in the same realm as this.unnamed

Meal description(French)


Il y a pour le petit déjeuner. Je mange des œufs, et des baies. Je ne mange pas l’avocat, et le tomates. Le baie est bleu. Des œufs a chaud de chaud sauce. L’avocat a salé. Le tomates a rouge.


Il ya pour le snack. Je mange des jolly ranchers. Des Jolly Ranchers a bleu, rough, vert, et violet.


Il y a pour le diner. Je mange de saumon, et des asperges. Je ne mange pas des riz, et citron. Le saumon est rose. Des asperges est long. Des riz est blanc. Le citron est acide.


Il y a pour le dejeuner. Je mange moitié de sandwich. Je ne mange pas moitié de sandwich. Le sandwich est bonne.


Je prefere le snack car le snack est doux.



This projects theme was french food vocabulary. I started off by just taking pictures of my food and seeing what I could write. I started writing in english and then I translated in into  french. This project was set on this structure: for _____ I ate _______. I did not like____. I liked_____. I did not eat the______. I really actually liked this project and I would love to do something like it again. It was interesting because if I was in France I could easily use this vocabulary in daily life.


Dream house.

This quarter we have done a fun activity called your perfect house. We looked up a picture of our perfect house, and then we wrote a sentence in french about each room in the house. We used bags rule adjective which means that the adjective goes before the noun instead of after. I learned that there are a lot of bags adjectives that we use in daily life. I really enjoyed studying quizlet and learning different adjectives.