How to get over your husbands father dying

IMG_20160506_105607Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 8.32.21 PMWhen a family member dyes it is hard, but whats even harder is when your father in law dies. You don’t just deal with your own pain you deal with your husbands as well. Jindwadda Ali Abassi was a strong soul. When he walked into the room the dynamic changed. He took over and him leaving our world is so hard. I want the best experience for every body after me and so I am writing this blog. The first step most people would say in grieving is denial. That might be true for my husband but not for me. I realized soon after Jindwadda’s death that denial was the worst thing I could have done. I had to help my husband grieve. Step one never tell your husband to, not worry. This is just about the worst thing you can say and it they will transfer your husband out of denial and into the second phase, anger! Oh, take my word for it they will get so angry at you if you tell them to stop worrying. second step, how to deal with anger. When your loved one gets angry the normal reaction is to bolt. DO NOT BOLT. Stay with him/her until you have ridden out the second stage. third stage, bargaining. The only word that should come out of your mouth during this stage is no. Your loved one will spew out phrases such as, “if only we had gave him more water,” or, “if I hadn’t made him angry.” Always disagree with them saying,”no he was meant to go this way.” This will easily slide into depression which is the fifth stage. Step four, When your loved one is depressed you just have to softly pat there back. This will make them sleepy and they will forget. But once they wake up from there nap comes acceptance. The hardest, but last stage. Acceptance is the longest step spanning from a few months to the rest of your loved ones life. All you can do here is let them grieve. These are my 5 stages of how to get over your husbands father dying. I hope they help.


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