Math Profile

A success I’ve had in math was in 5th grade. Ana gave Elijah and I a really hard math problem to work on if we finished our work early. It took us from october-may and we were really happy when we finished it.


A disaster I’ve had in math was in 3rd grade. I had a hard time learning division, but by the end of the year I had it figured out. It also took me a little while to get the hang of stacking, but I figured that out as well.


I like working on hard problems in math. I really like problems that have a trick to it, for example, we did a problem in seminar last year where we had to make a square 5 with with five lines in it or something along the lines of that. We had to convert the square into a 3d square and solve it like that. I also like ken ken and sudoku a lot. I dislike take home tests. Last year I always had a tough time with those, besides the last one.
When I’m studying for math I usually read over all my notes and do some practice problems for it. When I’m doing my math homework I usually listen to music, which makes me more focused. If I get stuck I usually read over the question a few times until I figure it out, and if I don’t get it still, I ask a friend for help.

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