I am so excited! I’m getting married to him so soon now! I’m not allowed to say his name, so I just refer to him as ‘him’. I can’t wait until the wedding. I hope he’s really handsome. And nice too! After Sibi, and selling Guluband, (I’m still not sure why Shabanu is that worked up about it, but I’m being nice to her anyway) we might even have enough for my dowry! It would have been so embarrassing if I didn’t have the dowry. My family would never be able to forget it. But even if we didn’t have a big dowry, I’m sure “HE” is nice enough and won’t mind. Auntie is so worked up about having to pay a dowry. She keeps on telling my dear Mama, “If you had sons then we wouldn’t have to go through so much trouble!” (pg3) I’m never going to have do do any of that. She already has two sons, and she has an unborn baby who will probably be a son too the way her luck is going. I’m so nervous about the wedding. I don’t even know what I’m going to wear. We are going to Yazman soon, and I will get to see “HIM”. And Shabanu will get to see Murad. Murad his “HIS” younger brother. Shabanu will be married to him a year after I am married to “HIM”. I’m not sure what will happen after the wedding though. Hopefully all good things. . .
How to survive a sandstorm.
She yanks the quilt away, and suddenly my skin is pierced with a thousand needles. The wind is howling around us. I can’t see anything, but I can tell by the sound that it’s a monstrous sandstorm, the kind few living things without protection survive.” (pg110). The recent storm was devastating. Sadly, it took grandfather with it. A sandstorm is caused by wind in really sandy areas. If the wind is fast enough, it takes all the sand with it, blowing it everywhere. The sand can get anywhere between ten feet and fifty feet high. The minimum is about double my height! They can move incredibly fast, and they’re on you in a blink of an eye. They can travel up to twenty five miles per hour! Almost all sandstorms happen in deserts. Which means that they happen near us a lot. In a sandstorm, it is really important to either be inside, or cover your eyes mouth nose and ears to prevent sand from getting in. Also, you should gather as much water as you can and bring it inside so that your toba doesn’t get completely covered in sand. Bring it in pots inside, and save as much as you can from the sand. “She yanks the quilt away, and suddenly my skin is pierced with a thousand needles. The wind is howling around us. I can’t see anything, but I can tell by the sound that it’s a monstrous sandstorm, the kind few living things without protection survive.” (pg110). If you follow all of these tips, you will have a much better chance of surviving these terrible disasters!