Food Fight Characters in Science

Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 9.23.50 AMOn the game Food Fight, the baboon is my best character. It eats almost all plants and it doesn’t have many predators. My strategy is to build a secure food web, and then add my baboon. Once the baboon is thriving, I then think about how to bring down the other character.If I notice that a character’s food source eats the same thing as one of my prey, I will add that and wipe out their food source, and get food in one turn.

About 22elijahm

Hey, I'm Elijah M. I'm a part of the gun control social justice group. Throughout the last few months, we've been working to learn about our topic, and volunteer in the field. We're excited to share with you what we've and help you make a difference.

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