My Map Art

Screenshot 2016-05-25 at 9.50.45 AM This is my map art. The reason that there is the letters cut out for all the borrows is because I am going to spray paint them. I feel this represents me and NYC because the spray paint represents graffiti. I just have to spray paint and then it will be done. I am very proud of this because I feel it is very unique.

Interconnectedness of Human Body Systems

Screenshot 2016-05-24 at 10.44.56 AM This is my diagram of all the body systems inputs and outputs. My strategy for this was to start with all the things I knew and then to connect them with other systems. My take away from this is that all of the systems are connected so much and you couldn’t live without any of them. All of them work together to keep you alive and healthy.

Shabanu New Articles

Shabanu Movie 2 – Small

Grandpa Dead:

Derawar, Passed on a day,

Jindwada Ali Abbasi died yesterday. He died in peace. He died because of a sandstorm in Pakistan, and he died a few days later, because of the effect. We can’t be one hundred percent certain, but Jindwadda was very injured during the sandstorm. It’s a miracle that he even survived. He was found outside, and conscious but asked specifically to be buried in Derawar, but unfortunately, his request couldn’t be fulfilled. Jindwadda died in the night about 10 days after the sandstorm. “I want to die at Derawar” his family remember him saying.


Grandpa fought in the war between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He fought hard for his country, and we will take today to appreciate his hard work in the army, and be sure that his death has been noticed.




Auntie’s baby died in the womb from technical issues. He was suffocated by the umbilical cord. “It was another boy,” Her sister says after the death. The midwife who tried to help is Shahzada’s sister, who is a family friend of the Abbasi’s. Shahzada used herbs and powders to help, but unfortunately it was too late to save the baby. According to witnesses, the state of the mother was frightening, for the color in her eyes was not visible. After the death of the baby, Auntie was said to have slept peacefully in a green tunic. The baby was buried, and the birth was never spoken of again. According to family, the mother’s pregnancy was unknown to everyone except possibly the father. Auntie did in fact show signs of pregnancy, such as tiredness, weakness and gaining weight. Shabanu did have suspicions about the pregnancy, but thought it might be rude to mention it.


The mother herself is the spouse of a man who works in a government office and makes a very good salary, and sends her gifts. Her husband, Mr. Abbasi,  is away a lot, and most people would even say that she’s lonely, but it brings her to joy the few times that her husband does come home. Mr. Abbasi is the brother of Dalil Abbasi, who is the spouse of Auntie’s sister. She is the mother of two lovely sons, ages three and five who are just starting to learn how to do work on the farm. When Auntie was at the age for marriage, she and her father went into search for a good husband. At first, they were unsuccessful, but after searching for a reasonable amount of time, she finally found her one and only husband. Shabanu, Auntie’s niece says, “Uncle comes several times a year, bringing Auntie gifts-quilts, shawls and brass pots. He brings us vegetables, wheat and lentils.”


Screenshot 2016-05-11 at 9.49.29 AM This is my map art. My idea for this was to spray paint each borough with it’s name to represent the graffiti in New York and how it is such a big part of what New York is. My next step to this is to actually spray paint the boroughs

Shabanu Stories

At the Sibi Fair

There are so many people here selling a buying resources. It is chaotic but beautiful, so many people working to sell their goods and so many people bargaining for a better price. Dadi and I have to walk a little bit to where we will set up camp. I make a border of where our tent will be and then start putting it up. After the tent is up I take the resources off the camels. When everything is set up I start to cook some lentils and curried chicken for lunch. Men start to come over to our tent to bargain a price for our camels, Dadi is a very good businessman and will not sell the camels unless he knows it is a good price. Surely Dadi will not sell Guluband and Tipu they’re our greatest camels.

Dadi is meeting with somebody who wants to buy Tipu. I see him negotiating with the man trying to make a good price for the camel. I am furious with him, Tipu is one of our greatest camels and it will be a great loss if he sells them. I see Dadi shake hands with the man and then I realize… he has sold the camel.



Every ounce of water counts

I walk along the dry sand on the way to the Toba. I feel it in between my toes as if it were a part of me. Mithoo and Sher Dil walk next to me struggling to keep up. Each one of them trying to be next to me. I get to the Toba to fill up the buckets to bring back to the hut. I fill the first one up and then I put it aside. I fill the second one up and then pick up the first one and start walking back to the hut. I can feel the weight of the buckets on my shoulder, each one of them losing a little bit of water when I take a step. Every ounce of water counts because it hardly rains here. I try to make my steps lighter so the water won’t fall out. Once I get back to the hut I drop of the buckets and get more. We need all the water we can get because who knows when it will rain again. Mithoo and Sher Dil still follow me. Mitho is still young and does not no what is going on. None of the mother camels will take him as their young to feed him. Poor Mitho, doesn’t know his family.





This is an example of one of my haiku's. It is in mandarin. During mandarin class on Thursday, April 28 we were told to make a haiku in mandarin or as we called it in mandarin a  五七五 meaning 5 7 5, and if you didn’t know a haiku has to have 5 syllables  in the first line 7 in the second and 5 in the last. For my haiku I decided to make it about things that I liked so mine is about food. If I were to translate what mine says it would be.

Burgers fries good,

waffle pancakes very good,

ginger water not good.


Structure fits Function

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Ever wonder why a red blood cell is shaped like a life saver well this is why. The unique shape of a blood cell is very important. A red blood cell has what is known as a biconcave shape. Both sides of the cells surface curve inward like the interior of a sphere.


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The red blood cell is shaped like a life saver so it can fit through tiny blood vessels too deliver oxygen to the organs. Also it is so full of hemoglobin to carry oxygen that doesn’t have a nucleus. Sometimes they are misshaped and cause Sickle Cell Anemia. When you have Sickle cell anemia your blood stream gets clogged.

Book review


Right now I am in the middle of reading a book called The Legends Club. It is about the North Carolina college basketball powerhouses with the coaches Dean smith, Jim Valvano, and Mike Krzyzewski. This book tell you the history of there relationships and games and seasons together. I would definitely advise that you read this book if your into college basketball or just if your into sports.  At some points of the book though you need to know a little history of North Carolina basketball to know what they are talking about but other then that it’s a great book.

Crash Landing

Beep, Beep, Beep. I could hear the alarm going off. I knew right at that point that the plane was going down. It didn’t exactly feel like it but I just knew it. I kinda had that sinking feeling in my stomach. FYI not where you wanna be. If you didn’t notice I hate that feeling so much. For crash landing, we were going really slow. It felt like we had been in the air for so long. Which is not a bad thing. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, I am freaking out. Obviously I had never been in a plane crash before. I mean the only outcome of this is me dying. We were almost at the ground aka me dying and I didn’t exactly know that but I just had a feeling. It wasn’t a good feeling but it was a feeling. SMASH! We hit the ground. I felt like my stomach had just done twenty push-ups. I felt like I was dead, but to my astonishment I was not. I couldn’t even believe it. I mean besides the fact of me probably dieing in the middle of wherever I was. So first I had to see if I was hurt anywhere. There was no major injuries luckily, but I did have some bumps and bruises. When I was getting up I realized something very bad. There was no one else alive.

I couldn’t believe it I was the only one there alive. Everyone else was killed in the crash but I only had so minor bruises. I mean I couldn’t believe it. So I started to freak out. What was I going to do if there was nobody else alive. Then I thought, the worst thing to do was to freak out. So I tried to calm myself. After a little while I started to think how I am going to get out of this I mean I am lost. So since I have nothing I thought maybe I should just start walking and take as many supplies as there was left, so I did. I grabbed everything that was left, put it in a backpack and then started to walk in the direction of where we came from because I knew we were flying from the city.

I walked and walked and walked. I was getting so scared that I wasn’t actually going to make it and I was going to die out here in the forest. Then I started to think if I make it out alive I won’t have my family because no one but me survived! First though I had to make it out of the forest. I walked and walked and walked… and walked until finally I made it to a body of water. I thought maybe there is a city near here because where there is water there could be a city. So I started to walk along the coastline of the body of water. I was walking for a while when… I could see a city, I mean I didn’t know what city it was but it was definitely a city, and I knew that I could get some help.



This is one of my creative writing pieces. I think I could of done better with this piece because i’m just going on with the story and not describing things. I think if I explain certain topics in this story then it will make the story stronger. One thing I like about this piece is that it is completely fiction, but this could still happen in real life. Now I guess I know what to do if I am stranded in the middle of the forest with nobody after a plane crash landing.





Mandarin has been really fun this quarter. I have learned so much. My favorite thing we have done this quarter is our Tai Chi presentation. It was really fun practicing it and trying to get it perfect. I also learned so much about the Chinese culture from it.

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