Hero Essay

Someone who is brave, confident and determined is a hero.  Heroes can handle hard situations. They are sure of themselves and are certain they have the power to make a change in their lives. Even though many people share the same traits as heroes, only some of them can be real heroes. Ulysses and my great grandmother both share the same traits; but Ulysses is not hero and my great grandmother is.

While Ulysses has some bravery, some confidence, and a lot of determination, most was directed toward himself. That means, Ulysses should not be remembered as a hero. Although he may seem clever and heroic on the outside, inside his actions are mainly selfish.  Ulysses showed his selfishness when he announced his name to Polyphemus. He  felt it was more important for Polyphemus to know who beat him than it was to protect his men from the cyclops anger. Since Ulysses was only interested in his own satisfaction when he told Polyphemus his name, he can’t be a hero.

While my great grandmother has some determination, some confidence and a lot of bravery, most of it is directed toward her family. My great grandmother should be remembered as a hero because she does not use her actions for selfish or bad reasons. She showed her bravery and confidence when she started a small sewing machine business. She had to help make money for her family. Because my great grandmother started working for her family to make their lives better, that means she is a hero.

No, people can use traits in good ways and bad ways. Someone might be using their bravery, confidence, and determination to help people in need. On the other hand, someone may be using the same traits for themselves and their own need. Heroes answer people’s needs and help fix people’s problems. But mostly, heroes give people hope. If the world did not have heroes we would not have people to help encourage us to do great things.

We wrote this essay because we made a chart of heroes and traits. Then we wrote about our heroes and their traits.


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