4/28 C4P Post – Ethan O


Got in around 10 same with Dylan

Worked on emails and CRM stuff

Started big government grant CDBG for program

Set up a table at 12:00 to 1

Got a drop-off and talked to a good amount of people

Inventoried drop off stuff and organized cables

Continue to work on grant while Dylan goes with his mom to do a big pickup in the Bronx

Helped unload 37 laptops

Inventoried and cleaned around 15 of the 37

Went to CVS to pick up water

Cleaned up a bit and went home after sending the grant draft to get some revisions

4/27 C4P Post – Ethan O


Got into the office around 10 and did some emails and CRM work to follow up from tomorrow. I sat in on a meeting Dylan had with Dell which went well. I applied for a small 500 dollar grant and we received a 250 dollar check today from the Peace First grant. The Dell person in Dylan’s meeting asked for a one pager that we do not have, so Dylan and I worked to make one.  Dylan also worked on designing a poster for the weekly Wednesday outside drop off point. I also did some Instagram and Facebook promotion stuff. We sent emails to Hoboken government a while ago and just got some responses. I also scheduled a pickup in the Bronx for a large donation of around 40 computers and made some calls.

4/26 C4P Post – Ethan O


We got to cohort meeting at 9:30 than got to office at 10:30 after picking up iPads that were dropped off at LREI. When I got to the office I inventoried the iPads and responded to a few emails. The developers of the CRM made a new category so I had to manually move each application that fit, into that category. After that we got Lunch than Sacha came over. We packed up computer parts that we could not use and brought them on a cart to the electronic recycling place. When we got back we all organized cables and the general office space before I left at 5:30.

4/23 C4P Post – Ethan O


Today Zajac was sick so we both worked from home the best we could, there was not too much to do, however. I called Zajac in the morning and then took one of his calls with a guy who is donating 37 laptops. I checked in on the hotspot applications that we have and luckily we have more. Not to much today though, hoping to schedule some pickups and dropoffs next week.

4/22 C4P Post – Ethan O


Today I worked and did emails from home because we did need to be in the office for anything. I had a call with Zajac early in the morning where we talked about getting a grant from the city of Hoboken, we both worked on a draft of an email to the mayor and other council people. I did research on our financials and Hoboken’s municipal budget. The rest of the day was just responding to emails from people applying for computers and hotspots and making sure a wave of applications is being entered currently into the CRM system.

4/21 C4P Post – Ethan O


Dylan and I get in at 9:30
Emailed hotspot nonprofits about our deadline
Sat in on Dylan meeting with Wiley
Inventoried 36 monitors
Set up drop off station table outside with Sacha and Dylan
Got lunch and manned table
Took the table back in
Organized monitors and put them on shelves
Organized keyboards mice and VGA cables
Got cart ready to bring to electronic recycling but it was raining so we had to wait
Help Dylan apply for a grant, M&T bank 50k
Do research on the Hoboken government budget for grants, Hoboken budget is 118M

4/20 C4P Blog Post – Ethan O


Today Dylan Winter picked me up at 8:45 to go to do some pickups and drop-offs in Brooklyn. First, we drove to Midwood to pickup 4 desktops and 4 monitors. We than drove to Flatbush to drop off an iPad that came with a case and a charged to a senior at a senior center. After that we drove to Dylan’s neighborhood and picked up Tristan who helped me with the next pickup which was South of Prospect Park. We than all drove to LREI to try and pick up more computers there but they had not been dropped off yet, so we drove to Hoboken. After moving all of the computers into the office we went and got lunch. Later Ajahni came by the office and helped us unload more desktops and monitors into the office. Winter drove all of us back at 4:30 and Zajac walked home around 5.

4/19 C4P Post Ethan O


Cohort meeting at 9:30 

Get to office at 11

Set up shelving units inventory some computers and store them and monitors on shelves 

Schedule donation pickups 

Call with karate guy

Got lunch

Tested chargers and iPads 

Scheduled picking up donations with Dylan Winter and donators in Brooklyn 

Set up LinkedIn

Zajac meeting with possible volunteer

Got iPads ready and bagged for drop offs 

Left at 5:10

4/16 C4P Post Ethan O


Zajac went into the office today because he had a meeting while I stayed home and did online work. We did not have any pickup or drops offs today. Zajac and I called and set up a webpage on the website where people can apply for the hotspots that AT&T has given us to donate. Afterward, I sent out a bunch of emails to nonprofits asking them to inform their clients that are eligible to apply. I got a lot of responses and questions so I spent most of the day monitoring them and responding to the questions. I also talked with Zajac about what our overseas volunteer Grace can be doing.

4/15 C4P Blog Post


Dylan went in to manhattan early to pickup computers. I got to office at around 9:30 I check emails and prepared for meeting with volunteer  from Chile who will help use manage our CRM system and emails. Helped Dylan move some monitors from pickup in boxes to office.Got lunch for Dylan and I while first volunteer came over to refurbish laptops. Got back and helped refurbish computers with 2 volunteers then one left. Worked on getting stickers off of a computer. Sorted cables and took a bunch more desktops and monitors upstairs than inventoried them.