by 24kated | Apr 15, 2019 | Broadway, v3i9
Broadway Buzz Broadway News – Hey everyone! The broadway community has had lots of news over our spring break. For starters, Waitress has two new actors in their show! Shoshana Bean is now playing the lead, Jenna and Jeremy Jordan began his role as Dr. Pomatter...
by 24kated | Apr 15, 2019 | Recent News, v3i9
We are here to introduce the newest Apple products including newer and more Improved Airpods, Apple TV +, Apple gaming, Ipad air and mini, Apple News +, and Apple card. Most of these products are made to make our daily lives easier. Apple TV+ is a new streaming...
by 24sofiau | Apr 15, 2019 | Science, v3i9
Astronomers announced on Wednesday that they saw what they never thought they would be able too, this was a black hole! A quote from the New York Times states, “A cosmic abyss so deep and dense that not even light can escape it.” “We’ve exposed a...