We’re back with another rexotic animal for you, today we have the Slow Loris. It looks much like a red panda, with big eyes, a small nose, and a fluffy coat of fur. The small animal may be one of the cutest animals in the world. The Slow Loris is a delicate and nocturnal animal. The Slow Loris lives mostly in Southern Asia, and is becoming an endangered species. The CITES, or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Is supposed to protect the Slow Loris from poaching. They do not make good pets; because of their adorable figures people often buy them off illegal sites and keep them as pets. Before you can have an illegal Slow Loris as a pet you need their teeth to be clipped. It’s teeth have a venomous bite that is very harmful to humans. There is a mic of venom from s gland inside their upper arm with saliva to deliver the venomous bite. This bite can cause anaphylactic shock, which is a very bad allergic reaction, and the bite can even result in death. The poor animal is endangered for being cute, they are abused and poached then sold to people unqualified to be pets.
Also, featured drawing by Alden Homet, 8th grade. Thank you so much!