Call of Duty Ghosts

By Louie Giglio, River Magee,  and Cameron Glass

Warning: Content in this game may be inappropriate for children under the age of 17


We rate this 5/5

Call of duty ghosts is the next fun filled game in the call of duty series. This game has added lots of new characters, modes, abilities, and weaponry. This game is available for xbox 360 and ps3 on November 5th 2013. It will also immediately be available for the xbox one and ps4. In this article we will go over some of the new features and why this game is worth all 60 bucks!

This game features amazing new moves to keep your multiplayer combat upbeat and crazy. Some of the new fresh moves are: Knee sliding, jumping over barriers and bobbing your head out of the side of an object to give you a better view. It also contains realistic animations for assassinations. For instance, an enemy becoming injured would probably have an animation of holding the wound or becoming weak.


This game also brings brand new game modes to make your gameplay faster and suspenseful. An example that is confirmed, is the new gamemode cranked. Cranked is basically team deathmatch except instead of regularly sitting there like a camper, there are no campers! This is because you have 30 seconds to eliminate another player or you are eliminated. The less time you have the faster and more exciting it gets. Once you eliminate someone your 30 seconds start over! This will be one of a few new multiplayer game modes for us to explore in this fun montage.

Thats not all, this game also has amazing new weapons that will take time to explore… you should probably pre order this game so that you won’t be the last one to use these weapons. These weapons are over the top and one of the main reasons we are going to buy it. It even has an smg chainsaw based type gun. Thats right. CHAINSAW. Even the pistols and snipers have become extremely fascinating. And now we are going to show you the last multiplayer feature. (Even though there are SO MANY MORE)


Call of Duty: Ghosts also has a new way to customize your soldier, and make your own squad! You can customize everything! From clothing and face, to your arm hair! It even includes new female soldiers for female gamers! This game has taken a huge leap from modern warfare 3 and black ops 2. And now that you think this couldn’t get better, there is a lot more stuff in this game than you think!

In this new game, we have a fresh new campaign full of levels with you and your make believe buddies. You even have a dog named Rowlie as your best friend!This game has also gone deep into detail from the guns you carry to the hair you have on your arms.    There is amazing detail on the landscape around you too… Like having missions underwater! Also, campaign is much more realistic than multiplayer. But remember gamers, it is much more gory and messy than multiplayer some of my friends have even been banned from playing the campaign by their parents!


Nonetheless, it is a great game and I am definitely buying it. Also, if you are not a fan of video game violence or are completely against first person shooters, this is not the game for you. Don’t worry, we will have a new game every week! The next one could be the one for you. Also, if you have a recommendation, please recommend it to 6th graders:  River Magee, and Cameron Glass.


Thank you gamers! hope you enjoyed!

And as always: GAME ON GAMERS