Reps Meeting 2/2/16
We got your questions What makes You think you are a good fit for little red? How were other school(s) that you worked at different from this school? […]
We got your questions What makes You think you are a good fit for little red? How were other school(s) that you worked at different from this school? […]
We are discussing ideas to have the school recycle more We are also discussing different factors in the school’s not recycling One of our potential solutions is by discussing with […]
Pollyanna. Just Pollyanna.
We had a meeting with Ana discussing Activity Period and the Friday Independent Reading. Our possible solutions: Take time out of morning homeroom and shift all the periods over to […]
We talked about the dance photo booth in dance-without Rohan’s phone slow dance with River 2 songs per class- send them to Freedom by Pharell Williams Hello by Adele