Interviewing Peter Scheer of The First Amendment Coalition

On the 4th of December, our group held an online interview with Peter Scheer, an executive director of the First Amendment Coalition. According to the First Amendment Coalition’s website, they are “an award-winning, nonprofit public interest organization dedicated to advancing free speech, more open and accountable government, and public participation in civic affairs.” The First Amendment Coalition helps people in cases concerning the first amendment. They offer legal advice to those that need it most.

A few days earlier, we contacted Peter through the First Amendment Coalition’s contact us page, and asked if he could participate in an interview for this social justice project. Thankfully, he accepted our offer and the interview was constructed a few days later.

Peter talked about many useful, and educational things regarding the first amendment. He explained what the FAC did exactly, and how “average citizens” can help with the cause. One thing that I found particularly interesting during our interview, was how uneducated many people like us were about the first amendment. While many people are aware of limitations to the first amendment, they aren’t quite sure what it means and how it works.

Peter was a fantastic source of information, and taught us many useful things that we will carry with us as we continue our studies about social justice.

Thank you Peter, for taking the time to answer our questions and a teach us about the first amendment.


I am an eighth grader at LREI and my social justice topic is freedom of speech. I chose this as my topic because I was interested in solving problems with free speech and imprisoned writers. 

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