Wednesday, December 1

Due on Thursday:

1) Read pages 15-31 in Alexie.  (IF you happen to get immersed in the story and read more, you MAY NOT share what happens with others!)  Answer the following questions THOUGHTFULLY:

  • What is a stereotype?
  • Are stereotypes harmless or harmful? (ADDED QUESTIONS!)
  • Are stereotypes self-fulfilling?

I expect 1/3 to 1 page of thoughtful writing.  This will be graded.

2) Continue studying for the Lincoln Round Up – Exam.  Use the study guide to review for this.  I will NOT collect this piece of work.  You will do it on your own and for your own preparation.

Due Monday:

1) Be prepared and ready to take the Lincoln Round Up: Exam on Lincoln and the Civil War

Monday, November 29


1. Read Alexie’s Diary of a Part-Time Indian pages 1-14

2. Read article on stereotypes and sports mascots.  Link below:


3. Write a 1/2 page to 1 page response (typed or neatly handwritten) about a) Hatfield’s main point b) Do you agree with Hatfield?  Explain. c) How are American Indians viewed by popular culture?  How does Junior view himself?

Wednesday, November 24

Great job today at our Thanksgiving Assembly!!
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy being with your families.

Due Monday 11/29 – Civil War Letter #5 (extended deadline). Sum up your letters, your book, your dialogue with your partner, and complete this assignment with a bang!

Also – do not forget – we need your SJ Project Topic rating sheets AND your website development rating sheets (Yellow and Orange Sheets) by Monday to ensure that you get your choices considered in our group selection.

See you on Monday!

Tuesday, November 23

Due Tomorrow:

1) Final Draft of the TBAS essay.

2) Yellow preference sheet for the Sj Project

Due Monday 11/29 Civil War Letter #5

Please find the NY Times article “Growing Up Digital” that I referenced today in Core All.  Optional reading – I am interested in what you think.

Monday, November 22

Due on Wednesday:

1) Final draft of your TBAS Essay is due, printed by 8:20 AM.

2) Hand in SJ yellow sheet, with rating of your topic interests.

Due Monday 11/29:

*Deadline extended – Civil War Letter #5!  Say goodbye and sign off to your partner.

Friday, November 19

Due on Monday:

1. Read Lincoln Chapter 7 (finish the book!)  Be quiz ready on chapter 5-7 – events that we’ve discussed (including the Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, and details about Lincoln’s death).  You will have a short quiz on Monday.

*Note: I did NOT complete your edits on the TBAS essay.  You will each get an edited draft back Monday and the final draft will be due Wednesday 11/23 (the half day)

* Continue reading and preparing for your Civil War Letter #5 – due on the Monday when we return from break, 11/29.

Enjoy and see you Monday for our short week next week!

Tuesday, November 16

Due Wed:

1. “Bircle” chart is completed with your story elements. Be prepared to share! I hope you take some inspiration from today’s trip!

2. TBAS Essay second draft with the edits from your peer.

Due Thursday:

1. Lincoln Chapter 6 read and take notes on the following sheet.

Due Friday:

Civil War Letter #4: Keep reading your book.

Monday, November 15


Due Tuesday, November 16-

1. Read Lincoln chapter 5 AND complete guided notes


2. Read part 4 in Civil War book (letter #4 is due Fri. 11-19, letter #5 is due Mon. 11-29)


  • Tomorrow is our trip to the Schomberg Center for the National Book Awards.  We will leave school at 9:30 and return by 1:15.  Bring a lunch, snack, and your author’s book.