Friday, December 17

Have a WONDERFUL break!

Over the break, read 1 book of your choice (it must be a book you’ve never read before).
You will book talk this book upon return (we will sign up for this Tuesday).
Please write the draft of your book talk and be prepared to practice with a partner on Tuesday, Jan 4. Also, bring your book in hand on that day, as well.

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15


Due Thurs. 12-16

1. Complete your QTIPS for pages 199-230. Be prepared to discuss this section.

2. Read Alexie Word/Image Concept Map and Book Talk guidelines

Alexie Creative Assessment2010.doc

-You will be paired with one classmate in your split.  You will choose, discuss and connect 10 terms (at least 3 of them are images)

Alexie word map 2010

  • Remember your gift and treat for the Advisory Holiday party tomorrow ($5.00 max)
  • Friday morning we will have a fun holiday activity with buddies

Tuesday, December 14


Due Thursday:
-Complete Alexie (including the interview in the back with artist Ellen Forney) and do QTIPS for the last section.

Wednesday at 10:00 – Visit to Colonial Museum
Thursday core all – SJ Project and in Splits – Alexie: Creative “Word and Image Mapping”

Monday, December 13

Due Tomorrow:

1. Alexie pgs. 169-199  NO QTIPS.  Please thoughtfully answer the close reading questions we started in class: A. Describe the Rearden uniforms.  What do you think they look like?  B.What do you notice about Alexie’s short sentences in the section – how do they add description to the story?

2. Type up your fiction story and have it ready to hand to me at 8:20AM. I will read these prior to Writer’s Workshop on Wednesday. I expect that the story should be 70%-100% done by now.  You should have already reached your climax in the narrative or very close to it.


Due Mon 12-10

1. Read Alexie pages 115-168 and complete one set of QTIPS

QTIPS 2010

In class on Friday you will complete the following and turn it in at the end of the period.

Read Hakim chapter 17 and complete guided notes worksheet

hakim ch 17 2010

3. Work on short story- 70-100% is due typed Tue 12-11. I will read it and give it back before WW on Wed

Wednesday, December 8


Due Thurs. 12-9

1. Read Alexie pages 82-113 and complete one set of QTIPS

QTIPS 2010


1. Alexie pages 113-168 with one set of QTIPS will be due on Mon. 12-13

  • Book Fair starts today and runs until Fri. 12-10 at 6pm.  Remember your order forms!
  • ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ runs Fri at 7pm and Sat. at 2pm and 7pm.  Buy your tickets and support your peers!

Tuesday, December 7


Due Wed. 12-8

1. Finish 50-75% of your short story.  Tomorrow, we will be doing peer-to-peer editing and drafting.   A full typed up version (75-100%) will be due Tue 12-14.

Due Thurs. 12-9

1. Read Alexie pp. 82-113 and complete one set of QTIPS for that reading section.

QTIPS 2010

  • remember to bring in pre-approved book order forms for Book Fair from Wed 12-8 to Fri. 12-11


Monday, December 6

Due Tuesday:

1. Read pages 54-82 in Alexie (no QTIPS tonight)

2. Answer “The Launch of Reconstruction” questions and read about “The Civil War and the Constitution”.  Due tomorrow and be ready to discuss/clarify.

Due Wednesday:

1. Have 70%-80% of your short story written and be ready for peer sharing in writer’s workshop.  You should have written up to, through, or beyond your climax at this point.

*Ongoing – Thursday we will work on SJ projects.  Prior to Thursday, please be in communication with your group.  By Thursday, you must have the chart completed with at least 3 organizations related to your topic and their contact information. I MUST have your group names or WE WILL PICK A NAME FOR YOU.