Tuesday, Feb 8Haveanextra

Due Wed:

  1. Have an extra copy of the paper you turned in to me, printed. We will peer edit with Bobby’s class.

Due Fri:

  1. Chapter 20, margin questions, on a separate piece of paper.


  • PSA Sep 1 due Monday
  • SJ project blogs and visits (keep working!)

Monday, Feb 7

Due Tuesday:

  1. Socratic Seminar Reflection – answer ALL questions on a separate sheet of paper SocSemReflection”Lady L”
  2. Continue working on step one and two and possibly three with regards to the PSA assignment.
  3. Continue speaking with your group and set up your 2nd, 3rd or 4th visit.  Write necessary blogs.

Friday, February 4


Due Monday:

1. Read excerpt from Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan.  Also complete QTIPS for reading.

2. Turn in 5th draft of short story with peer edits

Final draft due Monday 2-14.  Tentative date for reader’s breakfast is Feb. 18

*Monday, we will begin ERB practice.  ERB’s are schedule for Feb. 15-17.

Thursday, February 3


1. Read, annotate, and complete QTIPS for Omnivore’s Dilemma excerpt (due Monday)

2. Write a thank you letter to Mirko Ilic for visit (due Monday)

a) tell him something you learned or took away from the presentation

3. Start on PSA assignment

a) start research

b) start to find and collect images/statistics


4. blog post deadline is today!

a) write it and proofread b) post it to grade5.lrei.org server c) also work on photos/video/face page and bios

Wednesday, Feb 2

Attention: Tomorrow morning, in Core All, we will have our Socratic Seminar on Lady “L”.  This involves a discussion based on the readings for Lady “L” AND the controlling questions you answered for HW.  Please re-read your answer for the controlling questions and be ready to discuss your thoughts, and the readings, tomorrow.  You will be given a participation rating based on your involvement in this discussion.

Due Thursday:

FFN Reading with QTIPS.  Remember, this is a modern-day pairing to Upton Sinclaire’s The Jungle.

Due Monday:

5th Draft of your Fiction Story with changes based on your peer edits.

Monday, Jan 31

***IMPORTANT: You should be in communication with your SJ group and be contacting organizations daily for a first, second or third SJ visit.  You must have all 5 visits due by April 1.  You must have one visit and one blog post due by Friday.  If you are not calling multiple organizations in a day than you are not doing enough.  Interviews count as a visit.

Due Wed:

1. 4th draft of your fiction story.  Ready and PRINTED by class time for a peer editing session.

Due Thurs:

1. Read and complete QTIPS for Fast Food Nation excerpts.  Be prepared to discuss in class.


Friday, Jan 28

Due Monday:

Please read and complete QTIPS for the following excerpt from The Jungle by Upton Sinclaire.

Here is the excerpt you need:



On Monday, Ivo’s father with visit with us.  Please look at his website at the following link.  http://www.mirkoilic.com and get a sense of the work that he does.  Think about what questions you can ask him about designing visual messages for large audiences.


Due Wednesday: 4th draft of your Fiction Story, printed in hand, ready for peer editing.

***Continue to call organizations and set up Social Justice visits.  Your due date has been extended till 2/4 for your first visit and BLOG POST.  See blog post guidelines here:Blog-PostSJ2011

Tuesday, Jan 25

Due Wed:

“Lady L” Socratic Seminar Packet: Read and annotate the Hakim article (Chapter 7).  In will check this.

Due Thursday:

The rest of the “Lady L” Socratic Seminar Packet.  This is your ticket into our Socratic Seminar on Thursday afternoon.  Answer, in 2 paragraphs, the Controlling Questions as  well.

Due Friday:

Complete Chapter 19, second half, margin questions.

*Extra Credit: Tonight at 9PM watch the State of the Union address.  Write a 1/2 to 1 page response to the speech, summarizing main points Obama made, in addition to your opinion of the speech.  You may turn this in by Friday.

State of the Union Address

Monday, Jan 24

Due Thursday:

Entire packet for the Lady “L” Socratic Seminar Preparation.

  • You can NOT do this all in one evening, and I will speak more about it in Core All on Tuesday (specifically the Socratic Seminar part).  So bring the packet to class with you.
  • Start by reading the “Lady L” chapter that is included in the BACK of the packet.  This chapter also includes vocabulary (listed on the assignment packet’s first page).  Do this as well.
  • I will check your “Lady L” Hakim chapter (annotations and vocab) on WEDNESDAY for hw check.
  • The rest should be completed for Thursday.

We will have a Socratic Seminar on all the “Lady L” readings on Thursday from 830-915.

Tomorrow, Tuesday Core All, we will have time to wrap up Chapter 19 and work on the Socratic Seminar packet.