Monday, March 7



(due Tue)

1. Read Barbara Ehrenreich’s excerpt from Nickel and Dimed pp. 69-106 (annotate if it helps you understand the reading)

2. Complete non-fiction QTIPS for the reading.  Think about the connection to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911.


Extra Resources:

**Bring in books for Project Cicero! Gently Worn Books.

Monday, Feb 28


Due Wednesday:

1. Complete the tenement and child labor packet.  Read both selections.  Annotate reading #1 and complete non-fiction QTIPS for reading #2- annotations are optional for #2 (the longer primary source piece by Mary Van Kleeck)

2011ChildLaborandTenements (this is reading #2 ONLY)

2. Check out the Tenement Museum website:

Tenement Museum Virtual Tour and Site

Our field trip is Wed. March 2 from 11:30 to 1pm.  We will leave school around 10:30 and return around 2.  Bring a lunch, drink, and snack.  Our tour is called ‘Piecing It Together”.


Bring PENNIES for Patients!

Lymphoma blog from one of Bobby’s former students

Friday, Feb 25

Due Monday: This entire assignment should take you 1  1/2 hours over the two day weekend. (2011 modern child labor)

Part One: Read the assigned Modern Child Labor article you were given and ANNOTATE it.

  • Group A) China:
  • Group B) Farmers:
  • Group C) Meat Plant:
  • Group D) Philip Morris
  • Group E) India and The Gap:

Part Two: Watch the following short about Child Labor today from the International Labor Organization

  • Or click Child Labor video

Part Three: Spend twenty-thirty minutes browsing three of more of the following sites. Educate yourself about the topic in your article, and other instances of current child labor today.

  • – International Labor Rights Forum
  • – Stop Child Labour
  • – Green America
  • – UNICEF Understanding Children’s Work Program
  • – End Child Labor Now


Part Five: write 1 page response about article, video, and websites.  What did you learn? What are your reactions? What strikes you? be prepared to share what you read/investigated

*Also remember that Monday, you should have a physical sketch/draft of your PSA project to conference with Carin, Momii, and Bobby during Core.  Core and Art will be joint so that you will be able to conference about your PSA project thus far.


Wednesday is our visit to the Tenement Museum; please bring bag lunch and a snack.

Tenement Museum Site

Thursday, Feb 26

*You will have time to work with your partner or self to complete your mini-collection. Presentations, except for those few people who signed up for tomorrow, will go on MONDAY CORE ALL.

1. For tomorrow, read up about the current uprisings across the Arab world. The following links provide a look into the political revolution happening in Libya and the revolutions that have occurred/are occurring in other Arab nations.  LOOK at these and FOLLOW your own news sources.  WATCH the videos on these sites.  Over the week I will continue to add links and in Ad Issues on Friday we will have a conversation about them.  Be prepared to share what you’ve learned and your thoughts.

  • Watch live updates at – This is a live stream of English news from Al Jazeera.
  • – Interactive map with updates on all the uprisings
  • – This NYTimes site provides a look at the various leaders who were ousted from their positions or who are being demanded to leave from their positions currently.
  • – NYTimes overview of each uprising country with links.
  • – The following site is AMAZING in that it is a constant twitter feed update from all parts of the Arab world that are currently uprising.  You click on the map to see the tweets happening now.  And, important, as twitter and Facebook were the vehicles at the genesis of many of the uprisings.

Wednesday, Feb 23

Due Thursday:

1) Read Child Labor in Turn of the Century and define the 6 terms: Entitlement Programs, Breaker Boy, Robber Barons, Sweatshop, Feller Hand, Social Worker . The actual reading is not attached but handed out in class. Be prepared for a QUIZ on this reading in class in the AM on Thursday. The questions will demonstrate the you read the material carefully.

2) The following links provide a look into the political revolution happening in Libya and the revolutions that have occurred/are occurring in other Arab nations.  LOOK at these and follow your own news sources.  WATCH the videos on these sites.  Over the week I will continue to add links and in Ad Issues on Friday we will have a conversation about them.  Be prepared to share what you’ve learned and your thoughts.

  • – This NYTimes site provides a look at the various leaders who were ousted from their positions or who are being demanded to leave from their positions currently.
  • – NYTimes overview of each uprising country with links.
  • – The following site is AMAZING in that it is a constant twitter feed update from all parts of the Arab world that are currently uprising.  You click on the map to see the tweets happening now.  And, important, as twitter and Facebook were the vehicles at the genesis of many of the uprisings.

Friday, Feb 18


1. Read the biography of Lewis Hine in your packet.


2. Decide upon the 5 photographs that you and your partner will use in your Curator’s Photo Gallery that we will do next week.  Also, think about how you will display the photos and a title for the whole collection.

Lewis Hine photos

3. Write the first draft of your curator’s statement.  See the assignment for details.  Each person must write their own.


2011Child Labor Photo Gallery

3. Read bio on Mother Jones.

Mother Jones biography

4. Read and annotate chapter on Mother Jones, ‘Suffer the Little Children’.

Friday, Feb 11

Due Monday:

1. PSA Step 1 and Step 2 (complete the back of the PSA assignment sheet and be able to answer the questions posed.) This can be done on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Food, Inc. viewing questions Food, Inc. Viewing Questions

Thursday, Feb 10

Due Friday:

1. Chapter 20 in America Is.  Questions in the margins, answer completely on a separate sheet of paper.

Speaker Information: Marie Yoleine Gateau: – A guidance counselor who just retired fro the NYC Department of Education after 25 years of service. I am now involved in community development in Leogane, Haiti. Her husband, an historian on Haiti, will also attend.

Due Monday:

1. PSA Step 1 and Step 2 (complete the back of the PSA assignment sheet and be able to answer the questions posed.)  This can be done on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Food, Inc. viewing questions Food, Inc. Viewing Questions

Wednesday, Feb 9

Due Friday:

1. Chapter 20 in America Is. Answer all margin questions in full sentences on a separate sheet of paper. We will have a final exam on the progressive era before Spring Break, please take this assignment seriously.

Due  Monday:

1. PSA Step one, Step two and as much of Step three as possible. This will be check in Core and Digital Art

2. Food Inc. creative written response – be prepared to share.

Due Wed 2/16:

1. Final draft of your story (with 2 drafts showing change).