Author Archives: Jacob Farkas

Thursday, May 29

Due Friday, May 30

1. Show me all 4 biography sources. They should be written in bibliographic form on the page you created in your “biographical sketch” section or folder. Consult the back of this “biography quiz” handout for proper bibliographic form.

2. Read Night pages 85-115 (to the end) and answer questions on handout.


Due Monday, June 2

1. First rough draft of biographical sketch!

Tuesday, May 27

Due Wednesday, May 28

1. Read Night pages 47-65. Track your thinking using sticky notes or on paper. Answer the questions on the handout.

2. Fix up your thank-you to Frances Irwin and return it to me Wednesday morning, no later.

Friday, May 23

Remember that there is no school Monday 5/26 in honor of Memorial Day! Enjoy your long weekend!


Due Tuesday, May 27

1. Finish reading your Civil Rights biography book. Really!

2. Complete your response to Frances Irwin–a letter, poem, or drawing/visual. We will send your responses off to Frances Tuesday afternoon–there will be no extensions or exceptions to this deadline! Questions to consider: How did Frances’s story affect you? What parts of her experience were most striking or difficult for you, or most inspirational and touching? What will you do now that you know this story, now that you are a messenger? How do you feel about Frances’s choice to bear witness?

3. Sketch for dream flag for Carin on an 8.5 by 11 (standard printer paper size) piece of paper!

Thursday, May 22

We have had a lot of absences lately–take care of yourselves! Get good sleep, drink lots of water, wash your hands often…

Also, if you miss school, you are responsible for figuring out classwork and homework you missed, and turning everything in as soon as possible. Talk to me if this applies to you and you have questions.


Due Friday, May 23

1. Read Night pages 23-46 and answer questions on handout in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Remember to track your thinking as you read using sticky notes or by taking notes.

2. Begin your response to Frances Irwin–a letter, poem, or drawing/visual. How did Frances’s story affect you? What parts of her experience were most striking or difficult for you, or most inspirational and touching? What will you do now that you know this story, now that you are a messenger? How do you feel about Frances’s choice to bear witness?


Remember that school is dismissed at 1pm Friday 5/23 and that there is no school Monday 5/26 in honor of Memorial Day!


Due Tuesday, May 27

1. Finish reading your Civil Rights biography book.

2. Complete your response to Frances Irwin. We will send your responses off to Frances Tuesday afternoon–there will be no extensions or exceptions to this deadline!

3. Sketch for dream flag for Carin on an 8.5 by 11 (standard printer paper size) piece of paper!

Wednesday, May 21

Due Thursday, May 22

1. Read and annotate “About the Book” packet about Night. I will check to see that you have filled the margins with notes.


Due Friday, May 23

1. Read Night pages 23-46 and answer questions on handout in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Remember to track your thinking as you read using sticky notes or by taking notes.

2. Begin your response to Frances Irwin–a letter, poem, or drawing/visual. How did Frances’s story affect you? What parts of her experience were most striking or difficult for you, or most inspirational and touching? What will you do now that you know this story, now that you are a messenger? How do you feel about Frances’s choice to bear witness?


Remember that school is dismissed at 1pm Friday 5/23 and that there is no school Monday 5/26 in honor of Memorial Day!


Due Tuesday, May 27

1. Finish reading your Civil Rights biography book.

2. Complete your response to Frances Irwin. We will send your responses off to Frances Tuesday afternoon–there will be no extensions or exceptions to this deadline!

Tuesday, May 20

Due Wednesday, May 21

1. Read Night pages 3-22. Take notes in your writer’s notebook or use sticky notes to track your thinking–record language that is difficult or striking, questions you have, connections you make, etc. Answer questions on handout in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Bring your biography book and any other sources you have to school because there will be a quiz on them!


o n g o i n g a s s i g n m e n t

1. Complete your biography book by Tuesday, May 27. Figure out how many pages you need to read each night to reach this goal on time.

Monday, May 19

Welcome back from an amazing class trip!  I am so proud of your exemplary behavior and the thoughtful reflections you gave me today.


Due Tuesday, May 20

1. Biography book half-completed. You will have a quiz on it later this week!

Monday, May 12

We are leaving tomorrow morning for Gettysburg and Washington, D.C. so get yourself ready! Yay!

Due Tuesday, May 13

1. Finish packing for the trip. Don’t forget:

*your biography book

*journal/notebook and pen/cil

*raincoat and umbrella


*comfortable shoes

*pillow for bus

*consult the packing list for more details

2. Be here at school at 7:45am! Don’t be late!


Due Monday, May 19

1. Thoughtfully do trip reflection in complete sentences with proper heading, due at 8:20am. Please do NOT miss school because the Holocaust survivor will be here–this is a very special opportunity for us.


Due Tuesday, May 20

1. Biography book 1/2 completed.

Friday, May 9

Due Monday, May 12

1. Have in hand two things:

***a full-length appropriate-level biography (NOT autobiography) on your teacher-approved chosen Civil Rights leader

***another source on this Civil Rights leader (a book he/she wrote, a link to a video clip of one of her/his speeches, a comprehensive website–not Wikipedia, an article about her/him, etc.)

If you want to look over the details of this Biographical Sketch assignment, click here.

2. Pack for D.C. using the packing list we gave to you and to your parents!