Monday, Jan 10

I will not be here tomorrow – my grading day. You will have a substitute.  I expect that everyone is on task and using your partner work time well.

Due Wed:

  1. Second full draft of your story. You must complete it at this point.  Beginning to end.  Printed and ready by class time for peer editor.

Due Thursday:

  1. Reconstruction Era Remix – copy for me – ready to present.  Please sign up your group on the schedule in our class.  First group to present will receive extra credit.
  2. Bios for the SJ Project  uploaded to the cloud by Thursday morning (put into your folder, the one with your name on it). SJ bio example
  3. Karamu collage complete by Advisory Class.

Thursday we will begin our Recon Remix presentations at 8:30 in Core All. You group must sign up for a slot – sign up is on the blog.)