Tuesday, October 27

Thank you for the Minimester reflections.  We hope that you had a great time.  We heard great things about the eighth grade from all of the teachers!

Due Wednesday:

1. Tomorrow we will have writing workshop.  Complete an entry in your Writer’s Notebook on the topic that you picked last, last week.  (i.e. “first crush”,”glasses”, “warm tea”, etc)  Be prepared to share tomorrow in our writing workshop groups.  You are not required to share but sharing provides so much for the group! 

2. Look through chapter 4 again and choose 3 methods of resistance that you think you would like to write about in the essay.  Write those methods on the front of the essay packet you were given today.  Here is a link to the TBAS essay packet.  I changed the wording a bit but the ideas are the same.  Please do not get confused if you download and print this version. ToBeASlaveEssaydraftpacket

3. Read in your Civil War independent book and begin to conceptualize what you’d like to write in your letter #1. Begin letter.

***Here is a Civil War Cheat Sheet  that I handed out at the end of the day.  It has a list of facts about the Civil War that will help you understand what is going on in your independent novel.

Due Thursday:

1. Read Chapter 5 in TBAS and complete the same assignment as you did for chapters 4 part 1 and 2.  That is, read it and identify 2 forms of resistance with an example from the book. Write/type this out and bring to class.  (Hint: this is basically background research for your essay)

Due Friday:

1. Civil War Independent Book Letter #1.  Have TWO copies at the beginning of class, one for me and one for your partner.