Thursday, May 28

Due Friday:

Read the assignment sheet for Night Session 3 so that you have the main idea behind this reading in mind.

Go on to read Night, pages 47–65 and  complete the questions on the  handout.  No quiz Friday.  Momii will be out. 


Due Monday:

Read the assignment sheet for Night Session 4 so that you have the main idea behind this reading in mind.

Go on to read Night, pages 46–84 and  complete the questions on the  handout.  Be quiz ready for Monday’s class.  This quiz will include information from reading 3.


BOOK RETURN: BRING IN FDRTKAM, library books, and any other texts you have that belong back here!

Due Tuesday, June 2:

  • PREPARATION POETRY WRAP UP: Bring in your five best poems from writing workshop, typed up.

Due WEDNESDAY, June 3: (Date on sheet says Tuesday, June 3–oops!)

  • MOVING UP SPEECH, one and one half page minimum, typed. Due at 8:20 AM. Guidelines here.