For Wed. 3-15
1. Study for the Progessive Era/Guilded Age test. If you have questions, e-mail me: smroberts@lrei.org. Go over your study packet (the highlighted parts and what we discussed in class).
2. Bring in and show your poetry collection so I can record it. Sign-up for time after break to recite your poem. (there will be a sign up sheet posted Wed.)
1. Final PSA is due. Make sure to print it out in the 11×17 dimensions.
2. Social Justice teach-in proposal due (1 per group) 2011SJWorkshopTemplate
- Bobby’s advisory going out to lunch Wed. (bring $10-15)
- We will Skype with DJ Corbett Wed. at 2:45 DJ Corbett’s blog
- Buddies in advisory on Thu.