Daily Archives: March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14

Due Tuesday:

1) Test Prep Gilded Age and Progressive Era Due

2) Read the Mission and a bit of the functions of Housing Works. http://www.housingworks.org/. This organization helps house people, may who are HIV positive.  He is being brought to you by the Homelessness SJ Group. Have 1 question, on an index (or scrap paper) to ask Charles, if there are time for questions.

Due Wednesday:

  • Be ready for the Gilded Age/Progressive Era Exam

Due Thursday:

  • Final PSA (use Mirko’s comments)
  • Each SJ Group must turn in a COMPLETED Teach-In Workshop proposal Sheet (scroll down for anther copy).
  • You will have a deduction in your grade if this is not completed.
  • 4 visits and 4 blog posts are due.  Status Report will be updated over break.