Daily Archives: March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March


For Thursday:

In anticipation of Daniel Prins’s visit visit this Thursday from 915-10 AM (Chief of the Office of Disarmament Affairs at the UN), please familiarize yourself with the UN website and the organization.  The following links are a start.  Look at these and then go beyond to learn more specifics about the work of Daniel Prin and the UN.

  • http://www.un.org/aboutun/unhistory/ – read brief one page on the “History of the United Nations”
  • http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/structure/index.shtml – Look over the links to the various offices / departments at the UN.  Click on an office of committee that relates to your topic and read around.  Get a sense of what this office does.
  • http://www.unidir.org/ – Take a look at the Disarmament Affairs section and read about what they do.  Know what disarmament means!!!!
  • http://www.un.org/en/members/ – scroll through the United Nation Member States
  • http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/mdgs/index.asp – check out the overview of the “Millennium Goals” for the world to reach, spearheaded by the UN


1.  PSA draft is due this Monday.  Final is due Thursday 3-17.  Mirco Ilic will be here to give us feedback.  Yay! We will have time this Thursday and Friday to work on this.  You should work on this on your own time as well.

2. Progressive Era Unit Test is 3/16/11.  Over the week and weekend, you should complete the Test Prep packet and be ready to review for the test on Tuesday.


  • Project Cicero is still going strong; bring in used books and drop them off in the front lobby!  It ends tomorrow morning!!