Daily Archives: February 23, 2011

Wednesday, Feb 23

Due Thursday:

1) Read Child Labor in Turn of the Century and define the 6 terms: Entitlement Programs, Breaker Boy, Robber Barons, Sweatshop, Feller Hand, Social Worker . The actual reading is not attached but handed out in class. Be prepared for a QUIZ on this reading in class in the AM on Thursday. The questions will demonstrate the you read the material carefully.

2) The following links provide a look into the political revolution happening in Libya and the revolutions that have occurred/are occurring in other Arab nations.  LOOK at these and follow your own news sources.  WATCH the videos on these sites.  Over the week I will continue to add links and in Ad Issues on Friday we will have a conversation about them.  Be prepared to share what you’ve learned and your thoughts.

  • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/02/21/world/middleeast/update-mideast-countries.html?ref=arabworldunrest201011 – This NYTimes site provides a look at the various leaders who were ousted from their positions or who are being demanded to leave from their positions currently.
  • http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/a/arab-world-unrest-2010-11/index.html – NYTimes overview of each uprising country with links.
  • http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2011/feb/11/guardian-twitter-arab-protests-interactive – The following site is AMAZING in that it is a constant twitter feed update from all parts of the Arab world that are currently uprising.  You click on the map to see the tweets happening now.  And, important, as twitter and Facebook were the vehicles at the genesis of many of the uprisings.