Daily Archives: November 4, 2010

Thursday, November 4


Due Mon 11-8:

1. Civil War letter #2 is due.  You must have 2 copies of the letter by 8:20AM, one for me and one for your partner. Please use my Letter #1 comments to you in order to improve upon your second letter.  Remember, I will grade your letters as a whole, at the end of the project.  Here is the rubric for grading them: CivilWarLetterRubric.  Your Civil War Letter project is a DOUBLE GRADE in your second Q grade.

2. On the TBAS essay template (REV2TBASEssayTemplate2010) write down all three of your quotations in the space for “Evidence” in your TBAS Essay Template (The Body Paragraphs).  Also write the first draft of your Introduction, using the example introduction that I gave you on the red handout (TBAS essay intro 2010).

BTW – The following materials should be included in your TBAS essay manila folder.  Your final TBAS essay will be graded with all the drafts and handouts, included.

  • TBAS Essay Template (packet)
  • Thesis Worksheet (boxes sheet)
  • TBAS Introduction Example (red)
  • Thesis facts (green)
  • Transition words and phrases (white with boxes)

3. “I’m in Charge” poem e-mailed by one group member to Momii by end of the day Monday (smroberts@lrei.org).


Due Wed 11-10

1. Writing workshop- finish you “Stuck In An Elevator” writing.  Think about ideas about a central conflict for your short story.