Daily Archives: April 29, 2010

Thursday, April29

NOTE: On Wednesday, May 5, there is a meeting for your parents about the Gettysburg/DC trip at 8:00AM in Momii’s room!

If you were absent, we completed this sheet on TKAM ch. 11 in class today: TKAM11

Due Friday: Read TKAM chapters 12 and 13. Be quiz ready!

Due Monday:

* Teach-In: Your 6th and final blog post using the guidelines under Pages entitled “Social Justice Teach-In Reflection” when you go to the site’s main page (you may have to click [visit site] button if you logged in using wp-admin).

*FDR ch. 8 with timeline handout. The reading is about 12 pages but the capturing of events may take you awhile. We will go over this together, so do the best you can. FDRChap8Part1