Due Monday:
1. TKAM ch. 9–be quiz-ready!(There will be a quiz on 7-9 on Monday before given in splits before indy-reading. Sorry it’s the only time given our Teach-In crunch.)
2. FDR- Read ch. 7 and SELECT ONLY 10 of the questions on the handout. Your choice.
3. Teach-In: COMPLETE ANYTHING YOU NEED TO FOR YOUR TEACH-IN WORKSHOP! If you did not hand in a REVISED proposal, you MUST do so at 8:20AM.
Due Tuesday:
* Bring in ALL materials for your Teach-In workshop!
* Complete anything needed for your Set-Up Group!
Due Wednesday: 2010 SOCIAL JUSTICE TEACH-IN!
* All eighth graders wear RED and meet at school by 8:00 AM to set up and begin day!