Tuesday, March 2

Due Wednesday: 3 poems, typed, based on Writing Workshop: 1. A Garbage Poem with specific details 2. A “Diamond in the Rough” poem with a striking contrast 3. an “unbeautiful” poem about something unpleasant using at least 8 similes and metaphors

Due Thursday: Complete the modern piece on Women and Labor by reading the excerpt from Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America, pages 69-106, by Barbara Ehrenreich.  Complete the questions posted here: Nickel&Dimed


  1. By Tuesday, March 9, you should have at least 3 visits and posts completed. See me right away if this is not going to be possible.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap:

Go to http://blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.